This Painted Ulthwe Eldar Army by GMM is Insane!

gmm ulthwe eldarDon’t miss this insane GMM Studios Ulthwe Eldar Army as it’s is another feather in the cap of one of the best studios out there- check it out!
This army is from a couple of years ago, but with the new book coming out, you know we had to take a look back at an army this cool! Considering they painted it, we’ll let them tell you about it!

This GMM Ulthwe Eldar Army is Insane!

The client asked for a classic Ulthwe with some specifics. They wanted a mossy base style (“Yavin 4” being the descriptor used most of the time), some specific conversions including two unique Wraithlords and freehand in the masks and banner.
eldar ulthe
Lots of fun. A classic scheme strengthened by some specific touches, techniques, and freehand. I particularly enjoyed the classic Ulthwe lightning markings. This army turned out to be a balance of traditional and tribal with a unique and organic feel.
eldar ulthwe
I usually judge my satisfaction and how concluded a project is with how I sleep the night of (or usually, morning) or after the finish. This time I would say I was sleeping like a baby after a long day and a full belly doesn’t come close to how well I slept.
eldar ulthwe
eldar ulthweI had the strangest, longest, and most positive dream of my life that night. I was at a convention surrounded by people, faces familiar and strange.
At the end of the dream, I walked into the backyard with my dog waiting, looked back at my woods for a while thinking about how perfect it all was, and then turned around to start walking back again.
eldar ulthwe
Like any dream when I woke up it all felt silly. I made coffee, checked my email for the client’s response, and let the dog out.  I stood in my backyard in the same spot as I stood in my dream for a while, taking it in.
eldar ulthweThen, turning around to dive into the next project, it all hit me. The people, the fun, and the bittersweet feeling of leaving a convention, it’s really all the same as when I finish a project. The build-up and momentum, the last day of hurried excitement and final rush of fireworks as I send off the pictures.
You get so into it and build such a bond with the person and project, you don’t want it to end, but that is life. On the bright side, I get to turn around and do it all again.
eldar ulthweThe Sisyphean (in the most positive use) way it all works I imagine would be tough to anyone wired differently, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. My dream was a perfect analogy that most people don’t want to walk forever, or at all. Just get there and be done.
For me, the people and friends and feeling of being steeped in it, even being home and at perfect peace, for a moment I can’t help but want to turn around and immediately do it again.
eldar ulthwe

eldar ulthweThat’s a good place to conclude. On to the next one. A giant Nurgle army and one of the biggest yet. This next army is so awesome, it has its own blog, and you can find it out there as “Hexfleet Virules.”

But trust this will be getting some pre-paint shots of the conversions, as well as a new backdrop and its process posted. See you soon!

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