Warhammer Plus Irons Out The Bugs With New Lineup

Warhammer + plus announcementThe new Warhammer Plus lineup has been released for week 2 and some of the bugs have been ironed out for subscribers

On the good side, it looks like many of the bugs that plagued the app in the first week have been ironed out. Plus, they are adding more animations, White Dwarf Magazines, and a new battle report.

Sure this has been getting some flak for a poor day 1 rollout and perceived IP issues from the community, but there’s still solid value for this product.

Let’s first look at what’s coming this week from the Warhammer Community announcement and then check out how the app is working.

Warhammer+ New Lineup for This Week

Warhammer+ lineupThis is just the beginning for Warhammer+. The second episode of Angels of Death is out tomorrow, and mayhem ensues as the Blood Angels make planetfall on the hunt for their captain, alongside an all-new Battle Report and Masterclass on painting black armor.

More lore meanwhile enters the Warhammer Vault, including additional back issues of White Dwarf. Check back each and every Wednesday for further drops.

With another Angels of Death episode hitting the app you can continue the journey. We were hoping for a little more in the way of animations but hey, it’s what it is. More lore and WDs are also being added, so it looks like they are only a few months behind for 2021 on WDs.

Warhammer+ lineup 2Just also something interesting, 75% of people decided to go for the Vindicare Assassin over the Orruk Megaboss. Maybe that’s the difference between who plays what game or just people like the model more. Nothing crazy, just something fun to look at.

Bugs Worked Out

Aside from some hiccups, and janky UI issues on launch day, the Warhammer TV site works relatively well. As of day two, the login issues seem to be taken care of (mileage may vary).

Warhammer+ bugs ironed out 2 (1)

The one glaring issue still on the site is the video player itself. This overlay UI is for toggling to the next episode, but it sometimes fades out as intended, and sometimes stays there no matter what. This UI also doesn’t have a fullscreen button.

Warhammer+ bugs ironed out (1)

To even access the video player controls, you have to right-click to open the windows dropdown and select <show controls>. Even after that, the controls are under the overlay UI!

warhammer+ bugs So the only way to get fullscreen and get rid of the overlay is to use a windows dropdown menu, then do a process of clicking off of it, then double-clicking the video player to shorthand open full screen.

Looks like a few more things to get worked out along with the inclusion of the Loremaster content, and the AoS Army Builder App that were both delayed until later this month.

If you use the app have the bugs been ironed out of Warhammer plus for you yet? 

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