Tokens, Casters, & More Privateer Press July Releases

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Privateer Press has a lot of new product Warmachine and Hordes this July including new models, token sets and more! Check it out!

Privateer Press has rolled out a ton of new products this July. Make sure you check out these as well as head over to their website to see what else they dropped this month!

Source: Privateer Press

Baldur The Stonecleaver $14:99

privateer press july release

A bastion of strength and resolve noted for his steadfast loyalty, Baldur the Stonecleaver is an unstoppable juggernaut on the battlefield.

SPECIAL NOTE: The model in this box represents the same figure as PIP 72002 in the game; however, the model in PIP 72091 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the model found in PIP 72002. The replaced model will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning July 1, 2016.

Blackclad stoneshapers: $12.99

hordes blackclad stoneshaper july release

Blackclad stoneshapers are tasked with building the arcane constructs that serve the Circle Orboros. Fashioned from stone, wood, and carefully cut orbs of glowing crystal, their wold creations are animated through ancient rites and blood sacrifices.

Universal Effect Tokens: Fire, Corrosion, & Disruption: $14.99

pip july release

Universal Effect Tokens: Blind, Knockdown, Shadow Bind, & Stationary: $14.99

universal effect tokens warmachine july release

Universal Effect Tokens – Corpse & Soul: $14:99

universal effect tokens warmachine july release

Cut through the fog of war with official WARMACHINE and HORDES universal game tokens. Vibrant and visible, these effect tokens make marking and remembering in-play effects a snap, even in the thick of the action!

There are also new Token Sets for each faction for $14.99 each!

Each WARMACHINE set contains:

  • • 20 Focus tokens

  • • 10 General Effect tokens

  • • 5 Spell tokens

  • • 5 Upkeep Spell tokens

Make sure you head over to Privateer Press to check out all of the Token Sets as well as the other models that are schedules for July!