Prepare for Drop – Warzone Damocles Review!

By Rob Baer | March 24th, 2014 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Apocalypse 40k, Product Review, Videos

Apocalypse players rejoice, for we have some kick ass new rules for FOUR different 40k armies!

Both Space Marine and Tau players got some great datasheets for Apocalypse games.  Plus the Knight Titan got some loving too!

So  if you’re planning on playing the mythical Army of Five (Titans), or just want some more fluff on these guys, this book is for you too!

The new book book itself is only 68 pages long and is once again written by “The Citadel Design Team”.

If you read my Imperial Knights review you may remember me mentioning that this new designation (“The Citadel Design Team”) could be an attempt by Games Workshop to try to “un-demonify” authors of unpopular books, or it’s entirely possible that the design team is just wearing the corporate pants around the office these days.

Either way I know if I wrote a book, I would want that credit.

Even at only 68 pages, this book seems to be a pretty good value because over half of contains playable material for games of Apocalypse.

Of course being a smaller Warzone release there is not as much content as a normal 100 page codex, but there is still a fantastic array of fluff, rules, and new missions to satisfy most Apoclaypse nuts!

Plus it’s a great read if you’re hungry for even more background on the Knightly Houses themselves!

Checkout my full review on the new Wazone Damocles book by pressing play on the video below.

And if you’re curious about the how to play the new Knight model, checkout my tactics video that may just open your eyes a bit on just what this thing can do.

Gather up those armies, and prepare for battle! -MBG

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

Bio: Virginia restless, miniature painter & cat dad. He blames LEGOs for all this, as there was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all. Spikey Bits sprung from Rob staying motivated to hobby on his backlog of projects, while sharing his knowledge with others during the early blogging era.

LEGO maniac and scale model hobbyist in the 80s turned miniature wargamer and trading card player ever since. He’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition), but Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and minatures made of pewter and resin.