How To Play Sons of Behemat 2000 Point Tribes

Age-of-sigmar-sons-of-behemat-title-wal-hor-1This time, instead of taking the Gargants as mercenaries, here’s how to play Sons of Behemat 2000 point tribes!

Last week we dove into the Sons of Behemat as mercenaries for each of their respected alliances, you can see that here.

This week let’s focus on building full Sons of Behemat 2000 point tribes within the Destruction Alliance and see what it will take (besides lots of money) to build these guys.

How To Play Sons of Behemat 2000 Point Tribes

Sons of behemat battletome collectors


mancrusher gargantStats: Move 8”, 5+ Save, 7 Bravery, 12 Wounds

Has 3 melee attacks: The first one has Range 1”, 1 Attack, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -3 Rend, for damage table damage (4 down to 1). Then a Club with Range 3”, Damage Table Attacks (10 down to 4), Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 1 Damage. Finally, a kick attack with Range 2”, 1 Attack, Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -2 Rend, for D3 Damage.

If these guys are within 12” of a Mega Gargant they can run and charge in the same turn. When this unit makes a charge move pick 1 enemy unit within 1” and roll a dice, (damage table 2+ up to 6+) if the roll is equal to or greater than that roll the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. When this model piles in pick 1 enemy model within 3” and roll a dice, if the roll is double or more than the model’s wound characteristic it is slain.

Finally when a model from this unit is slain each player picks a point within 3” of this mortal and rolls off. The winner gets to choose the spot and any units within 2” of it suffer D3 mortal wounds unless it is a Gargant.

Special Rules

Let’s start with the special rules that the Sons of Behemat get for running as its own army.

  • Mancrusher Gargants count as 10 models, Megargant count as 20 models.
  • Chuck Rocks Attack: Range 18”, D3 Attacks, Hitting on a 4+, Wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for D3 Damage. (1 Mancrusher unit within 18” of general can use this attack per turn)
  • Kraken Eater general makes your army the taker tribe
  • Warstomper general makes your army the stomper tribe
  • Gatebreaker makes your army the breaker tribe

Let’s build an army around each one of these tribes. Starting with the taker tribe.

Taker Tribe

sons of behemat new

  • Mancrushers count as 15 models and Megagargants count as 30 models.
  • Each time you kill an enemy model with an artifact you get a triumph from the triumph table you can use this game.
  • Unique command traits and artifacts

Kraken Eater:

Kraken EaterMove (Damage Table 11” down to 7”), 4+ Save, 7 Bravery, 35 Wounds

He has one missile weapon with damage table range (24” down to 12”), 3 attacks, 4+ to hit, 3+ to wound, -1 rend, for D3 damage. Then three different melee attacks the first being a stomp: Range 2”, 2 attacks, 3+ t hit (re-rolling hit rolls of 1 against monsters), 3+ to wound, -2 Rend, for D3 damage. Then a death grip: range 3”, 1 attack, hitting on a 3+ (re-rolling hit rolls of 1 vs monsters), wounding on 2+, with -3 rend, for D6 damage. Finally, his club: Range 3” Damage table attacks (8 down to 5), hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend, for 2 damage.

He ignores models with wounds characteristic of 10 or less when moving and terrain under 4”. Auto kill only does D6 mortal wounds instead of instant death, subtracts 1 from bravery from enemy units within 3” and if killed has a chance of doing mortal wounds to any unit within 3”. Finally, he can hurl an enemy model within 3” in any combat phase if you roll over their wounds characteristic.

The List

I am going to go with a mix of all the big giants in this army as counting as more models lets you throw your weight around a little bit more in terms of objective grabbing.

  • Kraken Eater: 490 Points
  • Gatebreaker: 490 Points
  • Warstomper: 480 Points
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points (Counts as all 3 battlelines)
  • Command Point: 50 Points

You’re going all-in on an objective rush if you can, and count on your high wounds to withstand any punishment your opponent can throw at you. These guys count as 30 models and that doesn’t decrease until they die so park them where they need to be and soak up those points. You might get tabled but if you can last 3 turns you could pull out the W.

Stomper Tribe

Next, we are going to build an army around the Stomper tribe.


  • Add 1 to damage dealt by Mancrusher Gargants when they are attacking units with 10 or more models, add 2 to damage dealt if the unit has 20 or more models.
  • Must use the following command abilities instead of any others: Movement one, a rock chucking one, a charge one, a re-roll hit rolls of 1 one, a re-roll save rolls of 1 one, and are immune to battleshock rolls one.
  • Unique command abilities and artifacts.


Warstomper Mega-Gargant Rules

Move (Damage Table 10” down to 6”), 4+ Save, 7 Bravery, 35 Wounds

He has three melee attacks the first being a death grip: Range 3”, 1 Attack, Hitting on a 3+ (re-rolling 1’s vs monsters), Wounding on a 2+, at -3 Rend, for D6 Damage. Then a Jump attack: Range 3”, 4 Attacks, 3+ to Hit (re-rolling 1s), 3+ to Wound, with -2 Rend, for D3 damage. Finally, a boulderclub: Range 3”, Attacks (all enemy models within 3” + a damage table of bonus attacks (4 down to 0)). Hitting and Wounding on a 3+, with -2 Rend, for 2 Damage. On a successful charge roll a dice for each unit within 1” at the end of the charge, on a 2+ it takes D3 wounds if it is a monster, otherwise, it takes D6 wounds.

He ignores models with wounds characteristic of 10 or less when moving and terrain under 4”. Auto kill only does D6 mortal wounds instead of instant death, subtracts 1 from bravery from enemy units within 3” and if killed has a chance of doing mortal wounds to any unit within 3”. Finally, he can hurl an enemy model within 3” in any combat phase if you roll over their wounds characteristic.

The List

  • Warstomper: 480 Points
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points (Counts as all 3 battlelines)
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points
  • Command Point: 50 Points

This army seems to be geared towards having a lot of Mancrusher giants and getting them into the fray. With your Warstomper bellowing out commands and letting all your little guys throw rocks, around them he very much will act as the general. However you have a lot more models to throw around than a normal Sons player which might surprise your opponent, and then you can buff up the “little giants” using your big shouts to hopefully get the edge in combat.  Bit more painting with this force though.

mancrusher gargantBreaker Tribe

Finally, you have the Breaker Tribe.

  • Add 1 to damage against units that are garrisoned or fully within terrain.
  • Can destroy terrain by getting within 3” of it and rolling a dice + number of Gargants within 1”. On a 7+ the terrain feature is reduced to rubble and becomes deadly terrain losing all special abilities.
  • Pick one of the following to apply to your entire army: Add 1 to hit rolls against heroes and wizards, add 1 to hit rolls against totems or command models, add 1 to hit rolls against models that are not heroes with a save of 4+ or better, add 1 to hit rolls against units with 20 or more models, add 1 to hit rolls against war machines or monsters, or add 1 to hit rolls against units that have mounts and are not a hero.
  • Unique command abilities and artifacts


gatebreaker gargantMove (Damage Table 12” down to 8”), 4+ Save, 7 Bravery, 35 Wounds

He has a single missile weapon: Range (damage table 18’ down to 6”) with 1 attack, hitting on a 3+, wounding on a 2+, with -3 Rend, for 4 Damage. Then he has 3 different melee attacks: the first being a stomp: Range 2”, 2 attacks, 3+ t hit (re-rolling hit rolls of 1 against monsters), 3+ to wound, -2 Rend, for D3 damage. Then a death grip: range 3”, 1 attack, hitting on a 3+ (re-rolling hit rolls of 1 vs monsters), wounding on 2+, with -3 rend, for D6 damage.

Then his flail has a Range of 3”, with damage table attacks (10 down to 5) hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+ with -3 Rend, for 3 Damage. Auto kill only does D6 mortal wounds instead of instant death, subtracts 1 from bravery from enemy units within 3” and if killed has a chance of doing mortal wounds to any unit within 3”. Finally, add 1 to damage when he attacks a garrisoned unit or one wholly within a terrain feature.

The List

  • Gatebreaker: 490 Points
  • Kraken Eater: 490 Points
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points (Counts as all 3 battlelines)
  • 3 Mancrusher Gargants: 480 Points
  • Command Point: 50 points

This one is a bit of a mix in that its main ability is to destroy your opponent’s terrain which can seriously hamper an opponent like Gitz or Deepkin. Your goal should be to get one of your units of 3 Mancrushers to get to that all-important terrain piece to smash it. If you can get all three around it you are breaking it on a 4+ so hopefully not more than a turn or two. While that is happening you can have your big boys taking objectives and bringing the pain.

Final Thoughts on Building Full Sons of Behemat 2000 Point Tribes

There you have it my take on Sons of Behemat 2000 point tribes. Personally, I think the stomper tribe is your best bet at a competitive army. They have the model count and can buff their troops to be able to dish out some damage. But it would also be super cool to have one of each to throw around the battlefield as well.

would-you-like-to-know-more-logo-starship-troopersMore AoS How-To For Beginners!

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About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu