Top Homebrew 40k Army Lists From Flying Monkey Con GT

Tyranid Haruspex Wal HorLooking back at Flying Monkey Con 40k GT, we’ll be checking out three unique army lists that didn’t do too shabby at the start of 9th Edition!

The Flying Monkey Con 40k GT was held in Kansas over the weekend and brought a whopping 74 players to the tables to roll some dice. Now that the tournament is over, lets get a closer look at some solid lists that went against the grain of the meta.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: 2020 Flying Monkey Con 40k GT

flying monkey con walThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Tyranids- Matt Evans

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor


flying monkey evans 1Would you believe that Tyranids still had the gusto to stand up to all the other factions in 9th? Check out what Matt Evans brought in this 2,000 pt list. For HQs, a Tyranid Prime and a Neurothrope led a Battalion of some more “elite” bugs. Bringing one fatty squad of Tyranid Warriors all armed with Deathspitters on top of a minimum squad, with Scything Talons, this Detachment packed a nice firing base of S5 firepower with some light melee potential.

Some Hive Guard with Impaler Cannons (which are pretty much battle cannons) also supported the Tyranids from the back.  Finally, in the Heavy Support section, the Tyranids have their own version of anti-Primaris firepower. A trio of Exocrines armed with Bio-Plasmic Cannons was able to dump six 2-dmg shots downrange apiece.

flying monkey evans 2For the last bit of points, a Patrol Detachment was brought with a winged Hive Tyrant at the helm. A Swarmlord even made it into the list to help obliterate things in melee. Some Ripper Swarms were scattered throughout the list for sneaky objective grabbing and a Tyrannofex hit the deck for a tanky element.

All in all, this is a fresh bug list that probably shocked a few players after seeing how well it did!

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Chaos Soup- Nicholas Hiatt

Knight Heretic chaos wal hor


nicholas hiatt 1This is one of the more interesting Chaos lists we’ve seen in a while. Moving away from Daemon Primarchs, this list made full use of Lord Discordants and some Forge World Armiger Moiraxes. Digging into the army, two big ol’ Daemons of Slaanesh and Tzeentch dropped on the board pulling their weight in melee and psychic support.

Next, a Super Heavy Detachment rolled out three Armiger Moiraxes with Lightning Locks to help strip away any screens or cheap objective grabbers from the table.

nicholas hiatt 2Gaining back all of the CP lost in filling out Detachments, Nicholas cleverly brought a Patrol of Red Corsairs with three Chaos Space Marine units to have 3CP refunded thanks to their faction trait. Some Lord Discordants went tank hunting and Heldrakes flew ahead of everyone else acting as shock troops until the units within the rest of the list got into their positions to score. Sweet list!

Adeptus Mechanicus- Logan Payne

Adeptus Mechanicus battle bots


logan payneYo dawg. We heard you liked Kataphrons so we put some Kataphrons on your Kataphrons. That’s right. This list said screw your rule of three we’re troops, YOLO. Bringing five squads of Kataphron Breachers/Destroyers (using up almost half of the list’s points) these dudes rolled, literally, out onto the tabletop in a bunch of solid T5 firing platforms. The boogeyman squad was obviously the huge unit of plasma culverins. Getting D6 shots apiece of overloaded plasma, these dudes could clean the colon of a Primaris list in a jiff.

Some Fulgurite Electro-Priests were loaded into the new Dunerider and shot up the board to act as a speed bump for the opponent while the Kataphrons were supported by anti-air Onagers and an Energy Cannon’d Disintegrator. Awesome list!

While these lists didn’t finish at the top of the leaderboard, they still all had hard counters to some of the more popular units we’ve been seeing taken by Space Marine players (which are a lot). This just goes to show that you can still play any faction you want in 9th Edition and give other armies a run for their money!

What’s your favorite army out of the ones we’ve covered above? Do you play something similar to any of these?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.