Play Skaven & Flesh-Eater Courts: What To Buy Next

By Rob Baer | February 18th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Don’t miss our review of the new Skaven and Flesh-Eater Court battletomes, Dice, Endless Spells, and the new terrain for Age of Sigmar!

An onslaught of unending hordes of Skaven and the Flesh Eaters Court is here! Games Workshop has released all the accessories that you need to spread evil across the realms. Come and see all the new releases for Skaven and Flesh Eaters so you can decide where to spend your hard earned hobby dollars.


First up we get to see what is inside of the new Battletome for the Flesh Eater Court. This book is the smaller of the two tomes released this week and comes in at $40. This book has all the great back stories and fluff that you would expect from any other Battletome.

If you are thinking about adding Flesh Eaters to your army then this book is a must-have.


Then we take a look at the new Endless Spells for the Flesh-Eater Courts. Some of these spells will be very useful if you are wanting to add this faction to your fighting force. Rob goes over these new spells in detail and has some helpful thoughts on how to utilize these spells on the battlefield to maximize your killing potential.


Last but not least for the Flesh-Eater Courts is the Charnel Throne.  This kit is another one of the must-have point free terrain aspects that can be useful in certain situations. Even if you are not looking at picking up Flesh Eaters, Rob has some great tips on how you can use this great kit in other aspects of the hobby in our video below.


Up next we see the new 130 page “super battletome” for the new Skaven. This new book comes with everything you need to take your Rat Horde to battle including a host of new keywords, allegiance abilities, spells, and more. We also love the fact that GW has added some great tips and tricks on getting your Skaven to the tabletop with a painting section.


The new Skaven Gnawholes and Endless Spells look great as well! They are of course the larger chunky kind of Chinese plastic that we are used to with GW terrain kits. Rob goes over how to get these models together and ready for the tabletop along with some in-game tips.


Last but not least we have the new Skaven Dice. These look a little more manageable than the rubber squig dice release for the Gloomspite Gitz for sure.

The latest releases for Age of Sigmar look like they will make a big splash for sure. So f you are thinking about picking up Skaven or Flesh Eaters their accessories will help make your tabletop game a little easier.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and press play on the unboxing video below!

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.