
Hey guys, well I was snowed in today so I managed to crank out some Hive Guard to match my Waterbugz theme. I’m tryin to have evverything look like its coming up out of the water, like they would have done during the first contact battle on Tyran Prime. I have a lot of metal […]

Read More | February 11th, 2010

A long time ago in the midst of the rise of “Zillanids” I started my Tyranid army. One of the things I wanted to do was make my bugs look different that anyone elses. I had seen some people convert their Canifexes by mounting them on their short shaft of a tail, and remove the […]

Read More | January 17th, 2010

Here is my WIP conversion of the new Tyranid Harpy model.   It’s basically supposed to be a flying monstrous creature, so I figured I’d base it off the Carnifex and let the rest just materialize as I go.  I’ll be working on cranking out all the special Tyranid creatures over the next few months, […]

Read More | March 27th, 2020

Hope everyone had a happy holiday!  Well I’m back with a full belly and some new conversions for everyone to checkout. Here are some Imperial Guard Greatcoat / Traitor Guard conversions that are easy to convert and will  really make your foot troops stand out. You can really have some fun with these conversions because […]

Read More | January 2nd, 2010

One of the coolest conversions I’ve ever done is the Imperial Guard Valkyrie Jet. The best part about this model is that can represent almost any flying vehicle in the Warhammer 40k universe.Just add some Lascannons on the wingtips and you have a Lightning, or model both engines, one each wing, and you have a […]

Read More | December 19th, 2009

Here is a closer look at my Vendetta “Choppas” for my Orky Guard army.  Of course I started out with the normal kit, and supplemented it a bit.  I had a few pieces left over from some Valkyrie jet conversions I did a while back. (more on those soon!) So I splashed a few extra […]

Read More | December 11th, 2009

Welcome back true believers! Now that I got my sweet scenic bases it’s time to mount the ladz to them. Of course in the process of matching them up to the bases I realized that they hadn’t been updated with new bits from the Nobz box set, so after a few Mad Dok specials here […]

Read More | May 5th, 2009