Armor That Will Make You Tremble: LVO Army Showcase

Take a look at this show of heavy armor spotted for the Imperium at the LVO There’s more detail in one model than most armies!

The 2019 Las Vegas Open brought in armies from all around the world. This is just one of the lists that were spotted turning heads on the Imperial side.

LVO 2019

Armor That Will Make You Tremble: LVO Army Showcase

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support@spikeybits.com

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This Imperial list was spotted walking across a blasted cityscape. Before we jump into the army, take a good look at the crater detailing and snowfall for this board. It could be some inspiration for your next hobby piece!

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Imperial Soldier Takes Delicate Aim to Drop a Distracted Carnifex. (m.41 Colorized).

These Russian style Troops’ main job was to get in the way of the scary stuff and slow them down with their bodies. And maybe grab an objective or two in the meantime.

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Now look at this absolute PIECE. This Knight may be one of the smaller Knights now that we have the Castellan, but he is loaded with detail. Just get a good look at the single armor plate sitting above his Avenger Gatling Cannon.

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This Knight looks like he’s gone toe-to-toe with some of the scariest stuff in the grimdark universe and still managed to walk away.

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And to fit the theme of the display board, he’s stepping through a snowy collapsed building.

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One of his Armigers was spotted with the same amount of detail as the Knight too! If you want to see what love for the hobby looks like, this is it.

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Finally, a few Vulture Gunships with a free-handed Shark mouth were fielded peppering the board in a volley of screen-clearing firepower.

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All in all, this list really deserves some recognition. This isn’t an army that was pumped out overnight in preparation for the LVO. This is an army with years and years of love. Great job keeping those hobby muscles strong!

Let us know what you think about the detail of this army in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 



About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, King of sprues.