Secret Weapon Miniatures Produces Evidence Against TT Combat

TT-Combat-Vs-Secret-Weapon-MiniaturesSecret Weapon Miniatures has produced what they claim is a lot of evidence against TT Combat in wargaming’s most recent IP battle.

In August 2021 Secret Weapon Miniatures posted on Facebook that they were going to call it quits after 12 years, however, this new dispute sheds some light on what may have happened to facilitate their closure. 

This all stems from their HD Bases Kickstarter Campaign, making it impossible for them to get the project sent out. Both companies released a statement on what happened according to them. First with SWM releasing a statement, then a couple of weeks ago, TT Combat told their side of the story, which you can check out here, but we’ll also summarize it below.

HD Bases by Secret Weapon Miniatures

Now, SWM has produced what they claim is proof that shows their side of the story.

Let’s look at the statements first, then get into what SWM (Secret Weapon) has produced as evidence against TTCombat.

The Other Side to Wargaming’s Latest IP Drama

Of course, this is sad news as Secret Weapons was a great hobby company that made some good products including some of the paints that even Long War’s own Kenny from Next Level Painting often used.

They also had some fantastic sculpts that were awesome for anyone who wanted a large range of premade bases.

secret weapon minis hor walIt’s always sad to see large companies in the hobby scene go under, hopefully, everyone at Secret Weapon Miniatures can find success doing what they love even after this hard decision to close.

Secret Weapon Miniatures/TT Combat Intellectual Property dispute

Let’s first look at their statement:

IP Dispute

This really sucks to see and highlights some major issues with miniatures IP. However, it’s time to look at what TTC has to say as they released their response to the one above.

TT Combat StatementTT Combat Statement 2

As you can see, this is a much different statement and more or less the opposite of the Secret Weapon minis statement. The timelines presented for SWM closure also do not seem to line up either which seems to be part of the issue altogether.

It’s unfortunate that things are where they are with Secret Weapon Miniatures.  It seems like there could be some hope for the SWM IP and products if things do ever end up getting clarified with the bank situation.

Secret Weapon Miniatures Produces Evidence Against TT Combat

SWMThis is the beginning of the evidence, and they produce quite a lot of email excerpts, but as we said, it would be more helpful if they had provided full emails with headers and such. As is, it can be hard to take just excerpts to fully understand the issue.

Considering they produced so much, you can go read the full thing here.

SWM 2Keep in mind these look to be excerpted and perhaps not the full emails/ chat logs. To us, it would have been more helpful if everything was time-stamped with full email and chat headers.

Either way, we hope they can come to an agreement. That way people who backed the project can get their products (or a refund) finally.

This is sad news for the hobby space, were you a part of the Kickstarter? 

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