Bits Packs from Wargame Exclusive is Back!

bits packs wgeIf you want to try your hand at making conversions or even terrain, the Bits Pack from Wargame Exclusive is perfect!

The hobby maniacs at Wargame Exclusive are always coming out with some of the coolest minis on the market! They really have a great catalog of models already and are always expanding their line.

This time around, they are going full DIY hobby mode with their new Bits Pack, which is a big bundle of ‘failed’ casts!  So if you want to try your hand at making conversions or even terrain, this might be a great window into starting.

Plus, who knows what you’ll find inside? Plus, it’s only about 20 bucks, so not a bunch of cash either way.

Wargame Exclusive Bits Pack (100gms) $19.99

wargame exclusive bits bagWhile this isn’t necessarily a mini you can put out on the tabletop or the shelf, it does help you get into converting and personalizing all your other projects. It might be challenging at first, but the more personalized your hobby is the more gratifying the end product may be! 

wargame exclusive bits bag failcastHere’s What they have to say about the listing:

BITS PACK – packing with ~ 100 grams of resin product that does not meet our high-quality standard.

At Halloween, monsters come out of all the darkest corners of the closets and from under the beds in search of prey. 👻
We have our own monsters as well!
All those miniatures that for some reason were recognized as ‘monsters’ in the process of quality control.
They have been patiently waiting for this day all year, hoping that you will give them a chance to get on your shelves or on the battlefields, at least as bits or as decoration for bases or terrains.

wargame exclusive bits bag warning

Of course, there is also a warning to make sure you know these are bits that didn’t quite hit the mark, there may be serious issues or minor ones, but there will be bits to be had!

If you love what Wargame Exclusive is up to, check out what else they have been releasing. That does it for this one, now stop procrastinating and go grab one!

Get Your Bits Pack Here!