Top 3 40k Army Lists: Motor City Mayhem 100+ Person GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horThree 40k army lists dominated the 100+ person Motor City Mayhem Tournament going completely undefeated over the weekend!

The Motor City Mayhem Tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what the winners brought in their armies…

Top 40k Army Lists Motor City Mayhem Tournament

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Colin McDade- Harlequins

harlequin eldar hor wal


motor city harelquins 1


motor city harelquins 2


motor city harelquins 3


motor city harelquins 4


motor city harelquins 5

2nd Place: Daniel Kennedy- Adeptus Mechanicus

Skitarii Adeptus Mechanicus Wal Hor


motor city admech 1


motor city admech 2


motor city admech 3

1st Place: Brad Chester- Drukhari

archon dark eldar wal hor


motor city drukhari 1Brad went for three separate patrol detachments, with the first led by a Succubus, providing Wych Cult Wound rerolls. Troops see a total of 10 Kabalite Warriors, which don’t benefit from the rerolls but are still great troops.

motor city drukhari 2Elites see a total of 10 Incubi, who can force an enemy unit to fight last. Scourges are Fast Attacks that have decent weapons and a good amount of extra mobility.

motor city drukhari 3Transports see 5 Raiders which have always been a core part of Drukhari lists, giving the list extra wounds and durability, while also gaining a ton of mobility.

motor city drukhari 4The second detachment is also led by a Succubus. This time however there are 20 Wyches to take advantage of the wound rerolls, from the two Succubus in the list.

motor city drukhari 5Elites see 10 Mandrakes join the list, who can deep strike in and once per game redeploy, making them very mobile. 20 Hellions provide some more ranged, and melee damage now in 9th. Plus they benefit from rerolls provided by the Succubus too.

motor city drukhari 6The final Detachment is led by Drazhar, who is a solid character on his own, but can also buff nearby Incubi. With him are 15 Wracks, which are very cheap and flexible bodies. Finally, 5 more Incubi join the list to benefit from Drazhar’s aura.

Drukhari Victory- Congrats to Brad on the win!

Drukhari has won this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists? Are these lists meta?

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.