40k Flashback – Space Marine HOBBY Timecapsule

By Rob Baer | June 20th, 2015 | Categories: 40k Flashback, 40k News & Articles, Space Marines

Come see this hobbyists Space Marine time capsule from nearly 30 years ago.

Dana Lo posted these Astartes models from way back in 1988, and they rock. Back in those days there was no bit services for conversions, so if you wanted to make tanks it was pretty much add plastic tubing to the top of a Rhino somehow and have at it.
Paints were few and far between as well, but you could always find some pastels at the arts and craft store for sure!
Kudos on a job well done, three decades ago!

About the Author: Rob Baer

Virginia Restless, Miniature Painter & Cat Dad.
I blame LEGOs. There was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all… Twitter @catdaddymbg