4 New Models Teased For AoS Dominion Starter Set

By Andrew Schrank | June 1st, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Rumors & News

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova open4 new model teasers are here for the upcoming Age of Sigmar 3.0 Dominion Starter set unboxing preview that is happening Saturday!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook has now put out a teaser for the past 4 days for the upcoming Saturday preview Unboxing Dominion.  Let’s check out what GW is planning for this week and beyond.

GW Preview: Unboxing Dominion

Warhammer Community unveiled the schedule for the upcoming preview earlier this week, where they will be unboxing the new starter box. The box will be the kickoff for AoS 3.0 and if the recent Rumor Engines are anything to go off, we’re hoping for new Destruction minis!

The other side will most likely be some or all of the Stormcast that we have seen already, but either way, we don’t have long to wait now.

We don’t know the exact minis inside, but with the starter being revealed, that means the new edition is just right around the corner. Let’s check out the preview!Warhammer previewThat’s right, folks, another glorious day of reveals awaits you on Saturday with our latest Warhammer Preview Online – Unboxing Dominion.

What is Dominion, you ask? It’s the launch box for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

For fans of the Mortal Realms, this is quite simply the best boxed set ever. If you looked on enviously last year as Warhammer 40,000 players cracked open their copies of Indomitus, this boxed set is like that. Dominion, however, has fewer boltguns and undying robots, and more lightning warriors, and… well, you’ll have to join us to see.

New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Dominion Starter Set Preview Coming Soon!

Warhammer preview 2Be here, on Warhammer Community, this Saturday at 6pm (BST) as Adam and Eddie lift the lid off the shiny Dominion box live on Twitch and rifle through its contents. Here’s when you can tune in to catch the live stream from wherever you are in the world.

They say this will be the best box ever for AoS and on par with Indomitus. Meaning this will be packed with value and minis, so if they do feature Destruction, there could be an insane amount of new minis. Let’s hope it lives up to the hype, and be sure to check in on Saturday for the full reveal.

In case you missed it, here are the Stormcast minis we got to see in the last preview!

Vndrasta The Celestial Spear


Vndrasta 1


Vndrasta frontA beastslayer beyond compare, Yndrasta has been tasked with hunting down the most terrible monsters found in the Mortal Realms. Carried into battle upon angelic wings and wielding the legendary spear Thengavar, her mere visage strikes terror into the enemies of Azyr.

Those wings are something to behold. She is very reminiscent of Sanguinius’ model for Horus Heresy. She was also hinted at having a great ranged attack by throwing her spear, but we will have to wait to see some actual rules.

Vndrasta backWith the monstrous denizens of Ghur in the ascendant, even Yndrasta will need some help. Luckily, she isn’t the only new weapon in the God-King’s arsenal.

Reforged Vindicators


Vindicator video


vindicatorMade stronger of mind and body, clad in thunderstrike armour of an ingenious design, and wielding potent blessed weapons, new reinforcements are ready to take the fight to the enemy.

Besides new lore implications for Stormcast, these phalanx-style models look dope! A new battleline option might be less exciting, but they can completely change the feel of an army since there are usually so many of them.

vindicator paintThey also showed off some of the paint schemes just to remind you of the other options you may not see as much. That black option is dope! Not to mention a look at some of the other poses and options in the kit, like a helmetless one.


annihilator artAnnihilators are a new generation of Paladin, they’re built like a granite column and protected by the heaviest armour we’ve seen on a Stormcast Eternal.

As you can tell by the art, these guys are big, and they definitely will tank hits left and right. That hammer and shield do look special too…

AnnihilatorThe only sense of rules we got came in for this big boy. He has a 2+ armor save! They also hinted at some bonuses on the charge. After all, getting run into by these guys is sure to hurt a little bit.

AoS Dominion Starter Set Teasers

dominoin 5 days

On May 24th, Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook put out this reminder for the online preview which is also an inconspicuous teaser. If we had to take a bet, this model looks most likely to be another addition to the Stormcast lineup.

With the box assumed to be pitting Stormcast vs Destruction, this does heavily lean in the Stormcast direction.

dominoin 4 daysWith 4 days remaining Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook put out another teaser. This does seem to be another Stormcast mini if we are assuming the only options are Stormcast and Destruction. They might be sneaky and announce other models too, but if not, this is definitely a Stormcast model.

dominoin 3 daysWith 3 days remaining Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook put out this teaser, which seems to be a direct call back to the Annihilator we saw at Warhammer fest. Perhaps this is a named Annihilator?

dominon 2 daysWith 3 days remaining Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook put out this teaser, which seems to be the first clear candidate for the Destruction side in these facebook teasers. This looks like it might be a new support model, with all those potions and bits hanging off. Maybe a shaman of some sort for the Greenskins?

It’s also worth noting that the potion to the right is almost certainly one of the old advent rumor engines from December!

We will just have to wait and see.

Good thing the answers will be seen on Saturday!

What do you think about online previews? What do you think the teased minis are? Are you excited to see what’s announced this weekend?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.