5 Bold Age of Sigmar Predictions for 2022!

By Travis Perkins | December 21st, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Rumors & News

Aos-2022-prediciotnsBe sure to check out these New Year resolutions and 5 bold Warhammer Age of Sigmar predictions for 2022 and beyond.

I was going to look back at my last year’s resolutions and predictions, but with how crazy this past year has been I didn’t think it was fair to do so. With shipping issues, extended COVID issues, getting quarantined multiple times, etc. it was a year that was not as positive as I was hoping in my last resolutions article.

Even with all the uncertainty that next year may see, I am hopeful that 2022 brings us the relief we all may need.

So, without further ado, here are my five 2022 Age of Sigmar predictions.

What a Year 2021 Was, Age of Sigmar Predictions for 2022

New Stormcast Dragons 2

  1. The Year of the Beast ends with the new General’s Handbook (2022), but they keep the Monstrous Rampage rules. They introduce the Year of the Soldier and give special rules to units that are reinforced like the Monstrous Rampage but for larger unit blocks.
  2. We will see 6 updated battletomes, one every 2 months. In no order, they will be the following: Khorne, Sylvaneth, Ogore Mawtribes, Nighthaunt, Cities of Sigmar (now Dawnbringer Crusades), and Fyreslayers. (Fyreslayers will get a boost in their line or get merged with some of the dwarven models).
  3. This focus of next year’s narrative will revolve around Teclis and the shadow elves of Malerion. This will take place in either the Realm of Light or the Realm of Shadow with special rules in the General’s Handbook for both. (Maybe it will depend on the battleplan you are playing). Which leads us to!
  4. Two new factions one in the spring and one in the fall. The one in the Spring will be the shadow elves and will be a tease for the direction of the narrative going in. The one in the fall will be the Legion of Azgorh faction which has been teased in the Orruk battletome.
  5. Games Workshop is going to start releasing general terrain that any faction can take (like faction-specific terrain) but will cost points. Rules will work like how endless spells work except it will be whoever controls the terrain gets to use those rules.

AoS Resolutions for 2022

technical_image new gw paint hor warThose are my five predictions for 2022 in Age of Sigmar, in the past, I have been about 50% right give or take so I will take the over on these. Next up onto resolutions, I have no idea what 2022 is going to hold, but I am going to try my darndest to hold myself to these.

  1. Get painting. I painted a lot this year, like a ton, but I have a ton more to paint. For me, I want to finish some armies I started even the models I may not ever use but thought were cool enough to purchase. That means my goal is to finish painting up my Nighthaunt, Slaves to Darkness, and either my Stormcast or Tzeentch models. Which leads to number 2.
  2. Figure out what models will never see paint and play and sell or trade them for ones I will. I have an entire Ogor Mawtribes army I was given in exchange for a painting commission, tons of random Stormcast Eternals, and odds and ends that I really need to purge to someone who is going to give them the coat of paint they deserve.
  3. Play more meaningful games. What I mean by that is I want to continue to play games that I will remember down the road. I like tournaments and playing competitively, but lately, I have been playing Path to Glory games with a narrative twist and it has been fantastic. I remember one game where he brought a slaughter beast and I brought a vortex beast, and we played a slay the beast scenario and it was awesome. It also encourages us to bring models that we might not otherwise play with.
  4. Read some Age of Sigmar books. I read or listened to the audible for almost every single Age of Sigmar book Black Library released through Soul Wars. Then I had my second daughter, and I haven’t picked up a book since. She is now past two years old and sleeping through the night, so I no longer have an excuse, time to get back on the reading bandwagon.
  5. Finally get back to writing an article every week, which I tried to do this year but just couldn’t manage. I would say I made 70% of my weekly deadlines, but sometimes life (sick kids, quarantine, working nights, etc) just got in the way and I wasn’t able to do it. This year I won’t miss a week and will consistently release an article every week for anyone who wants to check it out.

There you have it my New Year’s resolutions and predictions for the upcoming year, feel free to let me know your resolutions and or predictions in the comments or shoot me an email. As always, I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that the New Year brings you and your family good health, happiness, and all the winning priority rolls.

Happy New Year,

Travis Perkins


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About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu