All the New Stormcast Eternals Models, Rules & Points

By Travis Pasch | October 18th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, rules, Stormcast, Warhammer Rumors & News

f88fe1e4-aos-stormcasts-rules-3.0The new Stormcast Eternals Battletome has arrived- here are all their models, rules, and points all in one place for Age of Sigmar 3.0

There’s a ton to go over, so we’ll just jump right into it. If you’re looking for just the points, you can check those out below or at this Imgur link here if you want to see all of them. Let’s get into it!

Stormstrike Chariot

Stormstrike chariotNot only are these units fast, but they pack a punch and soak up a lot of attention with their high Wounds. When they do get up close and personal, those adorable Gryph-chargers deliver a whopping six attacks with -2 Rend, making this a powerhouse in a relatively small package. 

The chariot has some interesting rules and can deal damage at range or in CC. It really wants to be charging though because when you do, the enemy will be at -1 to hit you but the mortal wounds are where it really gets nice. If you roll high on your charge roll, like a 10, you should be doing 5 mortal wounds just for charging!

Driven by VengeanceWith the number of attacks the chariot has, it just makes your charges that much more deadly.


Knight-judiciarThe loyal Gryph-hounds act as their own unit once deployed, roaming wide to keep their master free from distractions so he can pop away with his whopping great bow. 

The missile weapon is pretty insane, with a 30″ range, 2 attacks, -3 rend, and 3 damage this will chip away well throughout the game. Then, the Gaze of Sigmar is just insane, if you can get four or five units with this, it can seriously dish out the damage. Plus, the Gryph-Hounds can go off on their own and support where needed.

New Krondys AoS Rules

New stormcast dragons rules 2Krondys is a powerful Wizard, casting two spells per turn from the Lore of the Storm. What’s more, he has a unique spell all to himself – Atavistic Tempest – which gives him a range of powerful debuffs to enemy units, reducing their Hit Rolls, Attacks, Rend, or Save Rolls. He also wears the Regalia Fulmentarus, a present from his pal Sigmar which can add up to 3 to his casting rolls. And as you’d expect from a gigantic elder Draconith, he’s pretty tasty in a scuffle to boot.

New Stormcast Dragons 2 Krondys

Adding three to your cast rolls is quite crazy and will basically make his spells cast all the time. Atavistic Tempest is a serious debuffing spell to enemy units and you get to choose how you want to do it, so this should be super powerful.

Karazai AoS Rules

New stormcast dragons rules 3He can also use his Fires of Vengeance ability to grow in destructive power as the game continues. For every Hero or Monster he kills, his melee weapons get one additional attack each for the rest of the game. If he destroys units with 3 or more Wounds per model, he can add one to his charge rolls for the rest of the battle.

Once he gets to killing, he just gets stronger for the rest of the game. So be sure to get him stuck in early and often.

Calamitous TailGiven his combat prowess, these bonuses are going to stack. His calamitous tail attack rolls as many dice to hit as there are enemy models within 3” – perfect for landing in the middle of three damaged units and giving them the beans.

New Stormcast Dragons KarazaiIf you can get him in the middle of a bunch of units, this attack is going to deal some insane damage. Especially with how big of a base this has (we’re thinking 160mm) you should be able to get off a ton of attacks.

AoS 3.0 Stormcast Battalion Rules & Stormhosts

dragon comparison rYou can take it one step further by choosing the Hammers of Sigmar Stormhost. This makes all four types of Dracothian Guard Battleline units, letting you pick the right weapons for the job at hand and adding a whole lot of draconic fury to one army.

Well, here’s the rule we were talking about to take an all dragon army! If you love dragons roaring across the battlefield, this is the Stormhost for you.

Storm of AnnihilationThe Knights Excelsior Stormhost can take the elite Annihilators, Decimators, Protectors, and Retributors as Battleline units. They can take a beating and hit hard, favouring a slow but purposeful play style. An extra boost to hit and wound rolls with such powerful units will give even your toughest opponents pause.

If you want an army of all elite units in your army, this is the host to do it. This special rule is super strong because most armies will have bigger units and adding one to both rolls is pretty crazy.

Beast StalkersWith both Vanguard-Palladors and Vanguard-Hunters available as Battleline units, the Astral Templars can soften up their quarry at a sensible range before charging in with highly mobile units to finish the job. Toss in a dedicated Monster slayer like Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, and you can take the teeth out of your enemy’s bite more often than not. 

The special rule is decent considering how strong the new Monstrous Rampage rules are but against some armies it won’t do much.

Stormcast Eternals Battletome Rules

Stormcast battletome rulesThe Stormcast Eternals still descend from the skies on bolts of lightning, as they have done since the Realmgate Wars, but new rules give these inspiring warriors the power to rally the Cities of Sigmar forces to their cause. You can represent this in-game by deciding if your army is a Scions of the Storm force – the thunderbolt-riding warriors we all know and love – or a more defensive Stormkeep army.

1 in 4 is pretty nice if you want some cheaper units from The Cities of Sigmar, or to even throw in some more interesting units. Plus, adding to your Bravery is never a bad thing. Overall a pretty fun rule that is pretty fluffy as well.

Stormcast battletome rules 2Stormkeep armies excel at defending objectives. When enemy forces attempt to wrestle control of territory from Sigmar’s mightiest, you can use their momentum to punish them with vengeful fury. 

This is a really nice rule, so not only is it near impossible for the enemy to take objectives in your zone on turns one and two, as long as you’re within 6″ of an objective, you have a high chance to do mortals.

Stormcast battletome rules 3Stormcast Eternal Heroes who command these armies are not to be trifled with either, bellowing out commands that rouse warriors to great acts of valour. One such order comes in the form of an old favourite, Staunch Defender, which is now all about dispensing justice to those who dare to try to challenge Sigmar’s might.

Nothing crazy, but helpful to do more Mortals.

Stormcast battletome rules 4Karazai, in particular, is a whirlwind of annihilation, becoming stronger as he takes down Heroes and Monsters.

Getting stuck in with Karazai is going to really grant you some cool bonuses, since we haven’t seen the datasheet yet, we’ll have to see how impactful these will be.

Stormcast Points

stormcast eternals pointsFirst up, they just have an insane number of units to pick from. So we’ll highlight some here, but check out the link below for all the points. So, Both versions of the new dragon kit are insanely expensive points-wise, while they are really cool, you’re going to have to make a lot of room in your list for one!

If you’re building the full dragon list, however, at least you won’t need that many minis!

stormcast eternals points 2Yndrasta comes in at a very high point value of 320 points. She is quite powerful, but it looks like all the new stuff released character-wise for them are just so high.

stormcast eternals points 3The Stormstrike Chariot comes in at 165 which isn’t terrible considering the rules and how expensive basically everything in the army is.

See All the Points Here!

A lot of these models can be acquired in the Dominion box set which we reviewed when AoS 3.0 dropped.

9 New Stormcast Releases For AoS 3.0

9 Stormcast new releases are still on the way after Dominion meaning if you play Stormcast, you still have a lot to look forward to!

Just as a quick refresher, other than the Dominion box, there were also two other units already confirmed in the same preview! let’s check those out first, then dive into the rest of the new models.

9 New Stormcast Releases For AoS 3.0

Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community that are still yet unreleased for Stormcast.


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Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds

Knight-Judicator with Gryph-houndsThese masterful archers of the Stormcast Eternals rain arrows on the battlefield. They can also direct the gaze of Sigmar himself to unleash his wrath.

The Stormcast have decent ranged options already, so it will be interesting to see what this archer-hound combo can bring to army lists.

Stormstrike Chariot

Stormstrike ChariotWreathed in celestial energy that blinds the foe, the Stormcast Eternals of the Angelos conclave employ swift Gryph-charger chariots as potent line breakers.

The chariot not only looks dope but actually hinted at potential bonuses to charge and maybe even debuffing enemies! We will just have to wait and see.

5 More New Stormcast Revealed


vanquishers video


video new character

Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos

Think that hammer looks impressive? Well, he can also call down thunderbolts from Azyr to obliterate his enemies.

GW’s hint at this model’s mechanics is interesting at the very least. Could it be a ranged attack? or perhaps a special ability or spell? We will just have to wait and see.

On top of some interesting potential rules, the model looks fantastic with plenty of room for hobbyists to flex some creative hobby muscles.


Knights-Relictor provide support with prayers to the God-King Sigmar, and they’re handy with a maul on the front line.

There isn’t much to go off for the Knights-Relictor, but another support piece is always welcome, especially with such an expansive roster that they have.


Vanquishers are clad in thunderstrike armour and are armed with devastating celestial greatswords that hit exceptionally hard.

These are kinda reminiscent of a Stormcast version of the old-school empire greatswords, which were dope AF, so that makes these pretty fresh as well!

They are a full squad too, meaning there is a full range of poses and a flag bearer/hornblower for more diversity. These will most likely hit harder than other basic options but might end up being a little easier to kill since they forgo a shield.


Judicators and Vanguard-Raptors are already excellent ranged specialists, but Sigmar heard the prayers of generals who want even more top-quality archers in their ranks and forged ranks of Vigilors to bolster the backline.

Stormcast does already have decent options considering range in AoS, but these might be unique in the sense that they have some decent melee as depicted in their poses, while other options are much more dedicated to range and no melee.


We’ve already seen some of these incredible warriors in the Dominion boxed set, but this new kit features more options, including the two-handed meteoric grandhammers.

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

Not to mention, these new separate boxes will have different poses and appearance options, making it a much less restrictive and exciting kit to build and play in-game!

New Stormcast Dragons Coming to AoS 3.0 Soon!

The Draconith Empires were all but destroyed, but with Sigmar’s resurgence two princes of that once magnificent civilisation see a chance to return their order to greatness. The Princes’ affinity with Sigmar and the cause of the Stormcast Eternals makes their arrival a great boost for the forces of Order, who are still reeling from the effects of Be’lakor’s shroud of dark magic and the emergence of Kragnos. The Draconith are about to put the Grand Alliances of Death, Destruction, and Chaos on notice.

Kragnos thought he had killed them by stomping out all of their eggs, but he couldn’t keep the Draconith down forever! The new kit looks like it will be able to be built into two different versions, Karazai and Krondys. 

Krondys, Son of Dracothion

New Stormcast Dragons 2


New Stormcast Dragons 3

An integral member of Sigmar’s inner circle, Krondys is majestic, wise, and immensely powerful. Already among the most magically potent beings in the Mortal Realms, Krondys also bears the Regalia Fulmentaris around his neck – a piece of armour that magnifies his substantial magical abilities.

So, not only is this giant and will probably do all kinds of melee damage, but it is also a spell caster, so should be quite the powerful character. The only thing will be points cost, if it’s just insanely high like Kragnos, not sure how many armies will find room for it. The model itself is pretty cool with plenty of detail and will really stand out on the tabletop.

Karazai the Scarred

New Stormcast Dragons 4


New Stormcast Dragons 5Finding himself without an invite to Sigmar’s party, Karazai has been scouring Ghur, seeking vengeance for his scrambled kin and wreaking havoc on the forces of Destruction. When a dragon spends too long in the Realm of Beasts, though, a little of that realm may also find its way into the dragon, and thus it is that Karazai has become a bitter and violent creature – all but consumed with wrath and revenge. But doesn’t he strike a pose?

Since this one is not specifically for Sigmar, there may be a chance it can be used by other armies as well, which would be super fun. Plus, we assume it will be quite the monster in melee and maybe gets stronger when it gets too low enough wounds. Just a guess but could be fun and flavorful.

More Age of Sigmar Stormcast Dragons Incoming

New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4Get a load of this guy. With his flaming sword* and fancy helmet with built-in moustachios, the Knight-Draconis is exactly as much of a beast on the battlefield as you’d expect from such a mighty champion of Sigmar.

The dragon does definitely have a different look than the old aesthetic, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Either way, it looks like Stormcast is not done getting new units quite yet. But this might finally be the last release for now.


New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4It’s hard to decide which is the best detail. The Dragonith’s special hat is a strong contender – this is a kit with much more than its fair share of fancy headgear – but the tilting plate on his breast is very cool too, not least because it implies the Stormdrake Guard enjoy a spot of dragon jousting… And we repeat, if you take him as your general, you can run an entire army of dragons.

How cool would it be to have an entire dragon army? Might not be super competitive, but who cares, you have an army of dragons!

Stormdrake Guard

New AoS Stormcast Dragons 4Stormdrake Guard are Stormcast Eternals who have forged a symbiotic relationship with their Draconith mounts. Clad in thunderstrike armour and adorned with a rare Draconith beastmark, these warriors can be armed either with a drakerider’s lance or drakerider’s warblade.

It looks like they will be releasing this in a kit where you can build either option, much like the previous dragons as well. Overall both variations look cool and it would just be fun to see a full dragon army on the table.

Have you picked up Dominion? Will you upgrade an existing army with these new models?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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Are you excited about the Stormcast Eternals Battletome rules and models for AoS 3.0?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

Get ad-free access to the site, a monthly crate of miniatures, and support some of the best creators out there for as little as $6 a month on Patreon!


About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!