RUMOR: Are New Space Wolf Models On The Way?

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A new rumor from someone that supposedly had a talk with Space Wolf models designer, Rob Macfarlane, was nice enough to share the news with everyone.

So far this is a rumor only, nothing has been confirmed yet for new Wolves in 30k?


A user on 30k Sweden posted the following rumor.

Hey all, just had a chat with Rob Macfarlane about Space Wolf models that he’s designed. I think this will make a lot of people very happy.

Grey Slayers are done, and are not just one kit. They are several different upgrade kits to cover all the weapon options, 10 heads a kit, an artificer armour sergeant, 20 shoulder pads, and then the weapon options. I’m not clear on there being different heads in each kit, but I expect it’s the same base with different weapon options being what makes each set unique. Still, awesome!

Varagyr are half-finished, torsos & heads and pads done. Rob really wants to do running legs as well to emphasize their aggressive nature, with knotwork on the knees and carefully draped pelts that flow with the armour, but that’s undecided as of now.

They’ve also planned out but not started on the models for Priests of Fenris, but there will definitely be models for Speakers of the Dead & Casters of Runes.

Only thing that hasn’t been worked out so much is Deathsworn, and they should still arrive this year.

As with all rumors, don’t forget to add a pinch of salt.Salt

The Grey Slayers are done and it’s not going to be just 1 kit, we can expect to see several different upgrade kits, weapons, heads, shoulder pads, the works. The Varagyr models are half finished, everything from the waist up. Rob is wanting to bring out the aggressive nature by making the legs in a running pose. You can also expect to see models for Priests of Fenris, Speakers of the Dead, and Caster Runes, though these have not been started yet.

I can’t stress this enough, this is just a rumor, so don’t take it as written in stone yet.


More on Space Wolves

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”