Warcry Red Harvest & New 40k Rules New Releases: First Look

More new Specialist releases are here as the Warcry Red Harvest box and 40k Octarius Critical Mass rules are going on pre-order.

We’ve seen most of these models only for a hot minute, but they are already on pre-order now. Check out this week’s new offerings!

Da Red Gobbo and Bounca

Da Red Gobbo and Bounca


Da Red Gobbo and Bounca sprue


warcry banner

Warcry Red Harvest

Warcry red harvest



Warcry red harvest sprue 1


Warcry red harvest sprue 2


Warcry red harvest sprue 3


Warcry red harvest sprue 4


Warcry red harvest sprue 5


Warcry red harvest sprue 6


Warcry red harvest sprue 7


Warcry red harvest sprue 8


Warcry red harvest sprue 9


9th warhammer 40k banner

War Zone Octarius Book 2: Critical Mas

Warzone Octarius book 2


Crusade Mission Pack: Catastrophe

mission pack castastrophe

Octarius Book 2: Critical Mass Dice


ocatarius book 2 dice

Necromunda banner

Cawdor Weapons and Upgrades kit

Clan Cawdor weapons upgrade


BLood Bowl banner

Blood Bowl Khorne Team

Khorne team


khorne bb team sprue

Spike! Journal Issue 13

Spike! Journal Issue 13

Khorne Pitch

Khorne pitch and dugouts

Khorne Dice Set and Card Pack

Khorne team cards and dice


All the Newest GW Model Previews For Oct & Beyond

Are you excited about these releases this week? What will you be picking up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: Facebook

Bio: Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018. He mainly covers releases from Games Workshop, along with some previews and hobby posts. He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam.

During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, he can be found playing commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits. He believes that each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.