
Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day.  Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday… You always hear the question: “How did you get into the hobby?”, and for me it was getting bored with assembling fighter jet models. I could never afford […]

Read More | September 15th, 2013

You may remember the article I did back in early summer about putting legs on a Lord of Skulls and making it walk. Well Caleb from White Metal Games made his version using some alternate plastic legs that once chaosed up I think will look great. He just did a video showing of his conversion, and […]

Read More | September 13th, 2013

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we take a look at an amazingly detailed and weathered Leviathan Crusader model […]

Read More | September 12th, 2013

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Checkout the “official” Dream-Forge Games Leviathan Mortis Titan-Enjoy MBG

Read More | August 29th, 2013

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Checkout one of the best custom Titans, I’ve ever seen!  Don’t forget to check […]

Read More | August 24th, 2013

Well it’s finally here, rules for Forge World in 6th Edition / Apocalypse.Over the weekend I did a review on the new Forge World Imperial Armour (Armor) Apocalypse book (the fourth of its kind in five years lol, fifth if you count Aeronautica), which contains updates to most of Forge World’s line of super heavy, […]

Read More | August 23rd, 2013

I had a few people asking for a scale comparison of the upcoming 15mm scale Crusader and a 28mm Miniature Eisenkern Stormtrooper. You can see it scales nicely for the 28mm crowd, the head is large enough to fit a pilot into and the overall size looks good. Conversion possibility???

Read More | August 20th, 2013

Well it has finally hit general release, the latest Imperial Armour Apocalypse book is set for release TODAY Friday August 9th.So whats new you ask? Well updated rules for FW units in the new Edition of Apocalypse (that was released in July). Checkout the synopsis from the Apocalypse 40k blog below. Forge World has released their […]

Read More | August 9th, 2013

So check this out.  I played around with some images to try to see if it was possible to put legs on the soon to be released Khorne Lord of Skulls, and make a truly plastic titan. From what I see here, it looks like it may just work! Only problem is that these legs […]

Read More | July 3rd, 2013

Well the Apocalypse may be almost upon us, as more and more rumors are spilling out on forums and blogs across the world. Here’s a re-post of the last roundup from around the web. Is anyone else super stocked for this rumored Apocalypse 2.0? -MBG Courtsey of BoLS Posted by Larry Vela at 6/21/2013 Some dribs and drabs […]

Read More | June 21st, 2013

Apocalypse 2.0 Cometh?

June 21st, 2013

If you haven’t checked out this ground breaking model from DreamForge Games, you really should! Arguably the first “affordable” large scale plastic tabletop miniature, the Leviathan Crusader, can be used in a ton of different games, most notably as a “Titan”. DFG is a relative newcomer to the plastic scene, and if their designs are any indication, then they are […]

Read More | May 30th, 2013

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a  sweet pic of something amazing that I’ve seen around the tubes, or took myself at an event! If you click on the Picture of the Day label you’ll be able to scroll through some great Warhammer related images, all at once. Guess that explains why he’s on […]

Read More | May 28th, 2013

Well this little guy certainly took the gaming world by storm last week, when these promo pictures were released showcasing how awesome this new plastic Titan variant will be.Best of all, it will be releasing in just a few short months! Checkout the new product shots of DreamForge-Games’ Leviathan Mortis Titan. Be sure to checkout the original article showcasing EVEN […]

Read More | May 24th, 2013

Welcome to War Torn, where I try to capture a perhaps pivotal moment in a battle, or a frame that shows an ongoing conflict from the game we love. If you click on the War Torn label you’ll be able to scroll through some hopefully amazing battles in frozen time, all at once. Today I have a […]

Read More | May 23rd, 2013

Looks like we’ll be seeing a new plastic titan in the very near future, as The Leviathan Mortis is now production ready! Mark from DreamForge Games dropped by to spread the news on yet another amazing kit that is about to release first to Kickstarter backers, and then to general retail. Of course Spikey Bits will be […]

Read More | May 14th, 2013

If you haven’t checked out this ground breaking model from DreamForge Games, you really should! Arguably the first “affordable” large scale plastic tabletop miniature, the Leviathan Crusader, can be used in a ton of different games, most notably as a “Titan”. DFG is a relative newcomer to the plastic scene, and if their designs are any indication, then they are […]

Read More | May 12th, 2013

Checkout these hot Forge World Open tables as reported by Rictus over on Recalcitrant Daze. In case you haven’t checkout his blog take a hot minute to give it a once over. He’s a fellow BoLS writer who really puts out some top notch articles, and is everyone’s go to guy for UK event converge! By Rictus at Recalcitrant DazeForge […]

Read More | April 12th, 2013

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. If you click on the Armies on Parade label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking armies, all at once. It’s like you were at a major event yourself, all from the comfort […]

Read More | June 5th, 2018

Welcome to our new segment here on Spikey Bits called War Torn.This is where I try to capture a perhaps pivotal moment in a battle, or a frame that shows an ongoing conflict from the game we love. If you click on the War Torn label you’ll be able to scroll through some hopefully amazing battles in frozen […]

Read More | March 20th, 2013

Mark From DreamForge-Games left this here to update everyone on the latest on their new product line.  Here at Spikey Bits, our first shipment of Leviathan Crusaders, and Eisenkern trooper box sets has arrived, and we will be shipping our all our pre-orders over the next day or two.Don’t worry we still have some kits […]

Read More | February 25th, 2013

Recently I got a large package of goodies in the mail from DreamForge-Games which contained my first batch of Kickstarter pledges! I wasn’t able to dive into all the new models that day, but I did manage to finally record a proper review for you guys over the weekend. So far I am very impressed […]

Read More | February 20th, 2013