Angel’s Fury Battle Report – Blood Angels

By Rob Baer | January 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Battle Reports, Blood Angels, Videos

Blood_angels_wp_baal_by_voldreth-d49800f - Copy

Space Marines want to go fast, and the Blood Angels are no exception. Enter the Angel’s Fury detachment from White Dwarf #47 that can reliable let you assault with the majority of your Astartes forces on turn 2!

Squaring off against Dante and his Angels of Fury today is Brother Captain Stern and a shield wall of Elite Blood Angels first company.

Each army has a ton of special rules that help them both in and out of close combat, as well as delivery systems to  get them there.

For the Angel’s Fury it’s the triangulation of the Stormravens, and for the Shield Wall it’s scout from the Liber Heresius.


I feel like its better to just watch the video rather than break down all the possible combos that Stern and the Termniators can do, suffice to say that with Sanctuary they get a 2+ INV and that’s really good with Feel No Pain.

I could literally fill the page with combos and potential combos for this squad, and even I am just starting to realize what they are fully capable after each game with them.

The one big thing to remember though, is that they can’t be in two places at once.

When it comes to the Angel’s Fury, all you have to do is land and assault with all those models.

This battle report may just be a perfect example of what happens when the unstoppable force hits the immovable object.  If you have specific questions about the list(s), post them below or hit me up on Facebook.

Here’s today’s armies!


Angels’ Fury

 Sanguinary Priest , The Angel’s Wing, M-Bombs
Scouts x5 , CCW
Scouts x5 , CCW
Death Company x6 (120), Jump Packs , Hand Flamer x1
Death Company x6 (120), Jump Packs
Death Company Dreadnought , Blood Talons , Magna-Grapple (free)
Death Company Dreadnought , Blood Talons, Magna-Grapple (free)
Commander Dante [WARLORD]
Tacticals x10, Teleport Homer (Free)
Tacticals x10, Teleport Homer (Free)
Tacticals x10, Teleport Homer (Free)
Stormraven (TL Las, MM)
Stormraven (TL Las, MM)
Stormraven (TL Las, MM)


Stern’s Shield Wall

++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (895pts) ++

+ HQ  +Sanguinary Priest [Blood Chalice, Frag and Krak grenades, Narthecium]

+ Elites +Terminator Assault Squad

+ Troops  +Scout Squad  Camo Cloaks

Scout Squad  Camo Cloaks

+ Fast Attack +Drop Pod

+ Lords of War +Commander Dante

++ Grey Knights: Codex (2014) (Nemesis Strike Force) ++

+ HQ  +Brother-Captain Stern

+ Troops  +Strike Squad

++ Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Inquisitorial Detachment) ++

Inquisitor Coteaz (

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor  [Carapace Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Liber Heresius , Psyk-out Grenades, Rad Grenades , 3x Servo Skulls

++ Space Marines: Codex (2013) (Allied Detachment)  ++

+ HQ ( +Chief Librarian Tigurius

+ Troops Scout Squad  4x Scouts

+ Heavy Support Centurion Devastator Squad

Ender has already refined his ‘Angels Fury’ list, check it out on the Army List Tread!