VIDEO – Burning a Finecast Model?

By Rob Baer | January 16th, 2015 | Categories: Videos

Finecast miniatures seemed to be either a blessing in disguise or a disgrace to the community, depending on who you talk to.

Personally I have never had an issue with the models, and any other model issues were always taken care of by Games Workshop Customer Service.

One thing is for sure, people still buy Finecast miniatures regardless.

So, back when the controversy about Finecast was at an all time high, I set out to try to prove some of the accusations wrong.

One blog I had seen, said that Finecast melted in direct sunlight.  Well heck I thought why stop there… let’s crank it up a little and see how much punishment these models can really take!

Ever store you miniatures in your car for a few hours, and wonder just how safe it is for them?

Without further adieu, I give you the attempted murder of a Finecast Miniature.

A little caveat here; I’m sure that if you leave anything in direct sunlight for weeks, you’ll have issues, however if you accidentally leave a model in the sun’s path for a few hours (i.e. on a table) I think you’ll be okay.