Archon Alternative Raidmaster from Artel W: Unboxing & Build

Archon Alternative Raidmaster rThe Archon alternative Raidmaster from Artel W is here! Check out Rob’s unboxing and build of the highly detailed and dynamic mini.

Artel W miniatures make tons of models and each has its own flair. This time around Rob breaks down the build with this unboxing of their Raidmaster, if you want Grimdark, this has it in spades! Plus, it’ss just in time for the new Dark Eldar book!

We are going to show you everything that the model comes with, how long it takes to build, and some size comparisons. That way you can decide if this box is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Get Your Raidmaster Here!

Archon Alternative Raidmaster from Artel W: Unboxing & Build

Sample of MinisThese are just some of the great minis you can get on Artel W’s site. They have over 20 pages of minis and are pumping out new stuff all the time! We’ve also covered a bunch of their releases, so if you want some more info you can check it out here.

Raidmaster: $20.99

Archon Alternative Raidmaster 2If you loved the look of Vect from back in the day, you are going to love this! If not, well, it might not be for you. You can add on more captives as well, but you can also just buy it without them if you want, but that’s not as much fun. So the price goes up the more additional minis you get with it but starts at $20.99.

But come on, this is just so much cooler than the Archons you can get from GW! If you play Drukhari, then you have to check out all their great minis for the line.

Artel W Shipping stuffJust a quick note, they are out of Russia so it can take some time every once in a while for shipping. To offset this, they offer free shipping on orders over $100 dollars and give you more discounts depending on how much you buy.

So it’s worth it to grab all your stuff in one go and get some sweet discounts.

Now back to the mini!

The Box:

Artel W Box


Bubble WrapOne of the coolest parts about getting minis from Artel W is the box! Each one comes wrapped in twine and hand sealed, just a really fun little addition. Each mini is also very well wrapped and taken care of.

Bits ArchonYou get a decent amount of options and parts with this mini. We didn’t build the male captives, but they also are highly detailed.

The Raidmaster:

Raidmaster Archon


Raidmaster Archon 2The mini is just insanely detailed and creates a perfect centerpiece for your Dark Eldar army! Also, this would just be such a fun project to paint up for alternative games even if you don’t play Dark Eldar.

Raidmaster Archon femaleIt even comes with a female chest plate and head, so if you want a lady Archon leading your forces, you can. It also comes with another male non-helmeted head, a pistol arm, and a back piece if you want to add it on. For Rob, the mini was striking enough already.

Raidmaster Archon 3When you get up close to the mini, you can really see just how awesome the details are. Even on the captives, they knocked the hair out of the park. There are a ton of options, so you can grab a few of them and have a whole legion of amazing-looking Archons leading your forces.

That’s it for this one, be sure to watch the full video for Rob’s breakdown and insights. Overall this is a fantastic mini and with all the discounts you can get from Artel W it is super worth it! Especially with things being so scarce on the plastic side of things, it could be time to look at the resin manufacturers out there.

Get Your Artel W Miniatures Here

Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get products like this each month shipped to them.  Models provided for promotion & review