Bloody New 40k World Eaters Disciples of the Red Angel Rules

new world eaters chaos codex space marinesAngron only brings the most fanatic of warriors to battle, and they make up the Disciples of the Red Angel, check out their rules!

With the codex dropping very soon, you know GW will keep the rules coming. We’ve seen more on how the Blood Tithe Points will work, but now we get some actual unit rules. This time, GW revealed Stratagems, Daemonic Infusions, and a relic. 

If you want to check out the pricing for all the new World Eaters units, we have that here for you. For now, though, let’s jump into the new rules! 

40k World Eaters Disciples of the Red Angel Rules Revealed!

Disciples of the Red Angel

Not only do your Eightbound and Exalted Eightbound gain Objective Secured, the new Arks of Omen Detachment means you don’t need Troops – so you can fill your army up with daemonic foot soldiers. One unit of possessed World Eaters from your army also gets to pick a special Daemonic Infusion. These offer a variety of extra boosts, such as helping to secure objectives or shrug off sorcerous harm.

It goes without saying that having Angron himself as WARLORD gives your army a lot of close-combat punch, but the Disciples can shoot too. DAEMON ENGINES like Heldrakes, Defilers, and Forgefiends all find a place alongside your axe-swinging demi-daemons, and the devastating Lord of Skulls can put out an ungodly hail of cannon rounds.

Giving your Eightbound Objective Secured is nice, but they can get even better! Counting as two models is pretty strong, and a 4+ against mortals is nothing to dismiss. However, you can use your Blood Tithe points to get a 5+. However, with this, you can just save those BT points for something more important!

New Stratagems

Disciples of the Red Angel 2

The Disciples also get to wield eight brutal Stratagems. Terrifying Assault allows their berserk charges to shock the enemy into a mortal stupor, while the Eightbound can take advantage of their Bloodscent to surge after retreating foes.

Terrifying Assault is quite good if you’re charging into a big shooting unit, as this stops them from firing overwatch, and then, they get even worse in combat. So, pretty useful no matter what you’re charging.

Then, Bloodscent can keep you in combat with units that try to fall back. Consolidating 6″ is no joke, and this can really take your enemy off guard and keep your units from being shot and tying up way more units.

New Relic:

Disciples of the Red Angel 3

Lastly, three unique Relics help the Disciples preach the good word of Khorne in an appropriately violent fashion, perfectly suited to both Daemon Princes and Lords on Juggernauts. In particular, the Skull of An’gr’ant finds a way to make them even more murderous in melee combat, in case a turn stuck in combat sounds like a tedious waste of killing time to you.

Rerolling your wound rolls is never a bad thing, and getting to do it with a World Eaters HQ can really be huge. Especially if you charge into something really tough, this could really make you way more effective.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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