Golden Demon Painting Spotlight: John Margiotta

Golden Demon SpotlightIn this Gold Demon painting spotlight, we look at the work of John Margiotta, whose work has won multiple times!

Golden Demon is one of the most prestigious painting competitions out there! In this showcase, we’re taking a look at an artist who has not only entered but has won!  John Margiotta’s unique style is both dirty and clean, and his passion for anything Nurgle-related is evident in his work. 

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight: John Margiotta

Golden Demon Painting SpotlightThis is about as grimy as a dread can get, and with it being for the Death Guard, it’s just perfect!

Golden Demon Painting SpotlightWhen you get up close, you can really see all the little details and understand why this Nurgle Leviathan Dreadnought won the category.

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight John Margiotta

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight John MargiottaWhile these didn’t win, they still took bronze, and who doesn’t love little Grot tanks?

Golden Demon Painting SpotlightThere are great Orky designs on each, and you can really see the signature style on these; they are nice and dirty but super clean at the same time.

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight John MargiottaYou can tell John loves anything Nurgle, and for good reason!

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight John MargiottaThe guts look amazing, and you can take a couple of notes on the composition of this base.

Golden Demon Painting Spotlight

More Great Painted Minis!

John MargiottaJohn has plenty of other great work for both Warhammer and other games, and even busts! Just look at those free-hand tattoos.

John MargiottaJohn’s miniatures are a sight to behold, from the incredible Death Guard Dreadnought to the Orky Grot tanks. If you want to see more of his awesome work, be sure to check out his socials below.

Click Here to See More of John’s Work!

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