How To Paint Adeptus Custodes Miniatures FAST!

Painting Adeptus CustodesCheck out how to paint Adeptus Custodes fast, with this dope and easy-to-follow Fauxhammer painting tutorial.

Fauxhammer has some amazing hobby content, and if you need some sweet tips, you should follow him to get up on all your painting and conversion techniques!

This time around, he paints up some awesome Adeptus Custodes with that classic color scheme. Let’s check it out!

Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Adeptus Custodes Miniatures FAST

Painting Adeptus Custodes 2He starts by priming the model in black and prints out a Cavill-inspired head!

Step 1:

Painting Adeptus Custodes 3He actually sprays Retributor Armour through the airbrush, and while some people say you can’t really do it, he just does very thin coats, and it goes on fine. Once that is all over the model, he then washes all the armor with Reikland Fleshshade.

Next, he uses Druchi Violet in the very deepest recesses to get a little more contrast. To bring back out some of the colors on the armor, he goes back with the Retributor and drybrushes it on the raised areas.

Step 2:

Painting Adeptus Custodes 4Next up is silver from Vallejo, and even though it’s an airbrush paint, he goes back and drybrushes all the gold with it in a 50/50 with Retributor. For your highest highlights, he takes out the gold mix and does just the silver. Next is Bold Pyrole Red and paints all the things like capes and such.

Then switches to Coal Black for all the other parts he needs base coated. Lastly, for the brown areas, he uses Mahogany and the pelt with Olive Flesh.

Step 3:

Painting Adeptus Custodes 5Now it’s time to start highlighting. He starts with Orange from Pro Acryl and drybrushes across all the highlights of the red. Nest up is Dark Grey Blue, this is sued for all the black areas with a drybrush. For the black, he then goes to Bold Titanium White as a further highlight.

For the pelt, he does a quick wash with Seraphim Sepia and Agrax for the deepest recesses.

Step 4:

Painting Adeptus Custodes 7He starts off by painting the gemstones and tubes in Pro Acryl Blue. Finally, for the rest of the metallic parts, he uses Magnesium for the rest of the silver. Now is the part you shouldn’t do! He tried to make an oil wash to unify the entire model. The mix was fine; however, he really didn’t like the end results. As he used a lot of matte paints, it ruined some of the colors.

So, just skip this last step, or do a gloss coat before you make a black wash!

Finished Model

Painting Adeptus Custodes 8As you can see, this looks great and really didn’t take too much time (and you’ll have even better results if you change up that last step)!

Click Here To Follow Fauxhammer: Website or YouTube

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!