JOYTOY Space Marines Action Figures on eBay Now!

showzstore-joytoy-incursers-wal-hor-title-space-marines-action-figuresThe JOYTOY Space Marines are on eBay already, and the prices are about what you’d expect for Warhammer 40k exclusives- check it out.

If you missed out on the pre-order, or just can’t wait until you get yours from GW, eBay has plenty of options. The figures themselves are actually really cool and have a lot of articulation. While they don’t currently have a ton of differences between the figures yet, there are tons of them in the works.

In case you missed it, the box was originally $100 for all 4. The price is obviously higher on the secondary market, but we have come to expect that now. Let’s check out some of the listings!

JOYTOY Space Marines: Brother Varron

JOYTOY ebayThis particular figure is going for $87 and that’s pretty average for the prices overall. While it’s more it’s obviously more expensive than originally, if you missed out on the pre-order window, this is what you have to deal with.

Brother Sergeant Octavio: 

JOYTOY ebay 2This is going for $90 right now and as we said, the figures aren’t too different from each other right now, mainly just the heads. Still, if you like a certain variant, you can always just grab the one you like.

Incursors Box Set: 

joytoy unboxing 2If you want the full box, this is a little cheaper than buying them separately, as they are running from $210-$270. So, while it’s cheaper than buying them individually, still about a $150 price increase, but at least you’ll get them before most people!

Do you like the figures? Did you get in on the pre-order?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!