Jucoci Magnetic Miniatures Storage & Transport Case Is On Sale

Jucoci Transport Case featurePick up one of the sturdiest magnetic miniature storage solutions out there while the Jucoci Case is still on sale!

We all want to show off our painted minis (the plastic ones can stay put away…), and this is a great way to do it, but while most cases like this are minimal, this is quite large and can store an entire army! 

In addition to it being on sale currently, it’s also a great transport case to be used for all your needs! Here is a closer look at all their offerings, and they are all perfect for games like Warhammer 40k!

Jucoci Miniatures Storage Case

Jucoci Transport CaseThe other case we’ve looked at is made of wood, but this one is made of plastic, making it a better-carrying case. Also, these metal trays work perfectly with magnetized miniatures, which makes everything that much safer!

Jucoci Transport Case 2Here are the specs on this case:

  • 【Metal Tray】This case includes 5 PCS of metal trays. These trays can be attached by magnets. It will allow you to attach your miniatures(Based magnetized) on a tray. Keeps your miniatures stable on the tray.
  • 【Height Adjustable Tray】You can adjust the height between each tray according to the height of your miniatures. It will allow you to hold more miniatures in a case.
  • 【Installation Needed】This a plastic case and need to be installed. If you have any trouble with installation, we will try our best to help you.
  • 【Miniatures Not Included】Our package does not include any miniatures. These miniatures belong to our club members. They are displayed for size and storage reference purposes only.

Jucoci Transport Case 3It’s also cool they have people who play the games, so they are connected to the hobby! This case just looks great, and from the looks of it, there is a whole army inside, too!

Jucoci Transport Case 4If you’ve been looking for a way to store, transport, and display your minis, this might make the list! If you want to check out the other case they offer, click here to see our article on that one as well.

They also shared this image with us about how strong this case is!

Jucoci Miniatures Storage Case Miniatures

It seems pretty sturdy from the looks of it!

Click Here to Get Your Magnetic Miniatures Storage Case!

About the Author: John Von Canon

John Von Canon

headshot john von cannonJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2023

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

Bio: Gym rat by day and a hobby enjoyer by night, collector of Atogs and Atog accessories. John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and has since been covering new products, trading card games, and RPGs. He spends his evenings running reps at his LGS for the full hobby experience. If you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next commander game, he’s your guy. He’s been walking planes and slinging mana since the release of Eldritch Moon back in 2016.