WTF Is Up With Finecast? & New 40k FAQ: Episode 185

By Kenny Boucher | March 1st, 2019 | Categories: Long War TV, Podcast, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

Is Finecast still a terrible idea for Games Workshop in 2019? Genestealer Cults just got Vect-ed, was it good or bad for the new codex?

Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE:  Keep those hobby muscles strong with this week’s webcast and latest exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.

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Team Long War: From left to right: Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore, Rob Baer, and Mike Haspil


Episode 185 – New 40k FAQ & WTF Is Up With Finecast?

Welcome to the Long War, a new place for bringing the hobby back to wargaming! A podcast hosted by Rob Baer, Kenny Boucher, Stephen Fore & Mike Haspil.

Table of Contents:

@5:33 Table Top Market Place
@21:55 Fine Cast Discussion
@32:42 What’s New in the FAQ?
@40:23 Dice Hammer GT

You can purchase Haspil’s book Graveyard Shift here.


About the Author: Kenny Boucher

kenny boucherKenny Boucher

Job Title: Master of Miniature Artistry & Podcast Writer

Socials: @NextLevelPainting

About Kenny Boucher: Tabletop gaming since the late 1990s; Kenny joined the Spikey Bits team in 2011, communicating his vast knowledge in articles about how to paint miniatures and more.

Kenny Boucher is not just a name but a brand synonymous with top-tier miniature painting in the world of tabletop wargaming. As the creative force behind Next Level Painting, Kenny has earned his place as a respected authority in the hobby community.

Along with Rob, he co-founded and co-hosted the Long War Podcast, which has over 350 episodes. His unparalleled skills, innovative techniques, and engaging tutorials have made him a go-to resource for hobbyists looking to elevate their painting game.