Et Tu, Hell-brute? Making Each One Special

By Collen Bigard | May 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, Conversion Corner

helbrute of tzeentch_by_vonwildenradt-d7eciu1

If you’re a chaos player with a ridiculous amount of Hellbrutes lying around, come see some ways to have some conversion FUN with them!

When your friends ask if you would be interested in the chaos side of a Dark Vengeance box set you start to improvise with the hellbrute. My first hellbrute I left as the multi-melta powerfist as it was to nice a model to change.


Then I received my second one and I am very much against having two models look the same.

Each Hellbrute is a special hellish snow flake.


For the second one I removed the power fist and added a sword blade from the Dread Knight model.

I also removed the tentacles from its side and added to the hand to give the blade a more chaotic look. Swapped the head for a terminators, added some trophies and then finished it by swapping the multi-melta with a plasma-cannon.


For the third and final one I cut the power arm off to reposition it to give it more of an attack look. I also didn’t add the center plate that had the horns, opting instead to give one central horn. As you can see I favored the terminator heads for these conversion as well. The multi-melta was turned into a las cannon this time. Hope you guys like them and will have more to come.


art by vonwildenradt

About the Author: Collen Bigard

I have been playing and painting 40k since 2001. I’m a sucker for new models so I tend to switch armies every couple of years or so. After 7th edition came out I dropped out of tournaments from my local stores and have been focusing more on the hobby aspect of the game. I still play and enjoy the game just not on the competitive level.