Horus Heresy New Releases Roadmap Updated For 2024

Horus Heresy icon wal hor forge worldHere’s the latest new release roadmap, previews, and upcoming plans from GW detailing what we can look forward to for Horus Heresy in 2024!

This has been quite the insane time for Horus Heresy with a new edition, a giant starter set, battle group bundles, updated designs in plastic, and a constant stream of new resin miniatures. So, we’re definitely excited to see where things go from here.

GW Previews What to Expect for Horus Heresy in 2024

Be sure to check out all the other previews for 2024 from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

New Horus Heresy Model Release Previews:

Horus Heresy banner 2023 white

Here are all the latest Horus Heresy miniatures previews, and they’re as epic as a Primarch duel! Whether you’re siding with the Emperor or throwing in with the Warmaster, these new models may be just what you need to reenact the galaxy’s most legendary battles. 

Click on these links to order your new Warhammer releases for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store


Horus Heresy Mechanicum Battle Group

Horus Heresy Mechanicum Battle GroupThe new Mechanicum Battlegroup will be available later this year and includes six agile Thallax Cohorts, twenty Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, two formidable Castellax Battle-automata, and a sturdy Triaros Armored Conveyor.

Our breakdown article explains more about what’s inside the box, along with the pricing, and value.

Lead the Heresy With the New Horus Aximand Miniature!

Horus Aximand Miniature 4

You can call him little, but a new Horus Aximand Miniature is here to show you just how good of a commander he really is!  “Little Horus” is a very well-known character in Horus Heresy, so it makes sense that he finally gets a new model! As Horus’s personal advisor, he must not only be a great commander but also incredibly loyal.

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Upgrade Your Horus Heresy Marines With the New Legion Command Set!

Horus Heresy legion upgrade command set

The new Horus Heresy Legion Command Upgrade Set will let you turn your marines into leaders and inspire the rest of your legion!

Legion Command Upgrade Set

These boxes (there are three in total) will not only have a bunch of bits but also interchangeable standards (for loyalists and traitors) and tons of decals! Maybe most importantly, they are all plastic, which makes working with them much easier!

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White Scars Hibou Khan Coming Soon to Horus Heresy!

Hibou Khan

Among the White Scars, who once teetered on the brink of turning against the Emperor, a contingent of Khans renounced their oaths to Jaghatai Khan and raised their banners for the Warmaster.

Among them was Hibou Khan, a Terran-born commander who had long rankled against the rising Chogorian influence after the Vth Legion were reunited with their Primarch.

Hibou Khan 2

Though most of the conspirators were killed, Hibou submitted himself to the Great Khan’s judgement and showed genuine contrition for his betrayal. In return, he was not executed immediately, and instead was condemned to live out his days as one of the Sagyar Mazan – honourless oathbreakers who sought atonement through suicidal raids on enemy strongpoints.

Eventually, his service led him to the Garmon Cluster and the Shattered Legions commanded by Shadrak Meduson. He would go on to deal a horrific wound to Horus Aximand at the Battle of Dwell, nearly severing the Traitor commander’s face, and reap a heavy tally against the Sons of Horus.

Hibou Khan 3

Having Rampage (2) on a key unit is quite strong, but he also lets you make more reactions in the movement phase, and when he dies, you get more reactions in the assault phase!

Shadrak Meduson Brings the Wrath of the Iron Hands to Horus Heresy!Shadrak Meduson

Iron Hands Shadrak Meduson brings the storm to the Horus Heresy as the leader of the Shattered Space Marine Legions.

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Hunt The Shattered Legions in Horus Heresy With Tybalt Marr!

Tybalt Marr was tasked with hunting down the Shattered Legions, letting you play some super fun Horus Heresy missions!

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2023/24 Horus Heresy Roadmap

It looks like time has run out for the Horus Heresy Games Workshop New Releases Warhammer Roadmap. Perhaps we will see a new one soon?

HH roadmap 2023 games workshop new releases

New Legions Imperialis Model Release Previews:

Legions Imperialis banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

Click here to order your Games Workshop new releases from the 40k Age of Sigmar Warhammer Roadmap for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or |Games Workshop’s Store

Devastation of Tallarn Campaign Book

Devastation of Tallarn legions imperialis

The Devastation of Tallarn has rules for running a Warfront Campaign that links battles together, or a more advanced Breakthrough Campaign.

Plus, there are new Battle Honours to buy for Veteran Detachments. You can also bring in Formations of Legend that show the forces on Tallarn accurately, along with more new Formations and Detachments for the Legiones Astartes and Solar Auxilia.

Sabre & Sicarian Varians

Sabre Strike Tank, Sicaran Arcus, Sicaran Punisher Legions imperialis

The Sabre Strike Tank, the missile-equipped Sicaran Arcus, and the Sicaran Punisher variants are all joining the fight alongside the Legiones Astartes.

Leman Russ VariantsLeman Russ variants legions imperialis

The Solar Auxilia forces are adding four new Leman Russ tank variants to their lineup, including the Exterminator with a twin-linked autocannon turret, the Annihilator with a twin-linked lascannon turret, the Executioner with a huge plasma destroyer, and the Demolisher.

Termite Assault Drills Exploding Into Legions Imperialis!

Termite Assault Drills 3GW previewed not only Termite Assault Drills for Legions Imperialis but also another campaign book, as this is the last HH preview for a while.

Read more here.

2 New Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group Boxes Announced!

Legions Imperialis Titan Battle Group

Entire maniples of Knights and Titans strode the myriad battlegrounds of the Age of Darkness, and soon you’ll be able to build up your own Legio or Household with two new box sets of titanic war machines for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis. 

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen big boxes available for Adeptus Titanicus, so these are a breath of fresh air!

From the looks of it, Games Workshop has some exciting plans for Horus Heresy in 2024, including new plastic kits, resin miniatures, and previews of upcoming releases. With so much on the horizon, it’s hard not to be excited for what’s to come.

Be sure to check out all the other new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2024

Are you excited about the new miniature releases for Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis in 2024?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been our lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his Ad Mech models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!