Goodbye Adepticon 2012, Hello Adepticon 2013!

By Rob Baer | November 12th, 2012 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Adepticon 2012, Grand Tournament

For the past TEN years Adepticon has held the coveted title of the best Warhammer 40k convention out there.

They have held the line after Games Workshop turned their back on organized game play, weathered the recession, and braved travel disruptions from bankrupt airlines, OPEC, and global terror threats.

Not accustom to sitting on their laurels, the Adepticon team keeps raising the bar on events, and though the combined efforts of their big four organizers (and hundreds of volunteers) are set to write the next chapter in their book, Adepticon 2013.

So when that call goes out that registration is open (TONIGHT at 7PM CST), you may want sign up, as their events tend to sell out in less that a day now!

Over at Spikey Bits, were closing the chapter on Adepticon 2012, as we are getting ready to post the last of over 100 articles from the event back in April.  That’s right, over 100 articles on just that one event, featuring armies, displays, vendors, single models etc…

Be sure to check out all the coverage we posted from that ten year anniversary event, over on the Adepticon 2012 label.

Goodbye Adepticon 2012, Hello Adepticon 2013! -MBG

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

Bio: Virginia restless, miniature painter & cat dad. He blames LEGOs for all this, as there was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all. Spikey Bits sprung from Rob staying motivated to hobby on his backlog of projects, while sharing his knowledge with others during the early blogging era.

LEGO maniac and scale model hobbyist in the 80s turned miniature wargamer and trading card player ever since. He’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition), but Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and minatures made of pewter and resin.