The Wahapedia Warhammer 40k Resource Site Has Been Attacked

black eye warhammer 40kThe Warhammer 40k resource site Wahapedia has been targeted by renewed attacks lately; check the details from their battle with Games Workshop.

Wahapedia, a resource website for Warhammer players, has been targeted by cyberattacks and issued a Cease and Desist notice by Games Workshop. While the site has had some downtime due to these attacks, and the recent crackdown on intellectual property by Games Workshop, it remains to be seen if Wahapedia will be forced to remove content.

Is Wahapedia Down? Common Issues and Solutions

wahapedia warhammer 40k rulesWahapedia is the trusty data hub for all things Warhammer 40k. It’s the kind of website you rely on, like a Tech-Priest relies on sacred oils to keep the gears turning. But what happens when Wahapedia itself decides to take a “spiritual retreat” and goes offline? Panic may ensue as you’re about to roll for that critical charge or check that final stratagem. So let’s talk about the moments when Wahapedia decides to ghost you, what’s been happening lately, and how to check if it’s down before you go full Chaos Marine.

Current Status of Wahapedia

If you’ve been browsing Wahapedia with the intensity of a Space Marine looking for heretics, you might have noticed a few frustrating outages. One of the most infamous was the July 2022 downtime that had players across the galaxy wondering what chaos god had cursed their rulebook-on-the-go. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t a cosmic force but rather a mix of cyberattacks and geopolitical chaos, which frankly sounds like something right out of a Warhammer plotline.

Recent Downtime and Cyberattacks

During that period, Wahapedia experienced some pretty significant cyberattacks. These weren’t your standard “Oops, the site’s slow today” moments. We’re talking full-on 403 errors that made accessing your beloved stratagems impossible. The issue largely stemmed from the site’s Russian origins, which led to complications with various platforms, including Patreon and hosting services. While Wahapedia remained accessible on desktop (sometimes), mobile users were left in the warp, trying to refresh a broken link.

To make things worse, geopolitical challenges—yes, real-world ones—played their part in disrupting the site’s stability. Between international conflicts and internet service restrictions, Wahapedia had its own personal version of the Horus Heresy. And as Games Workshop ramped up its legal scrutiny, there was also that little matter of a cease-and-desist order lingering in the background. Let’s just say Wahapedia’s survival feels like it’s navigating a bureaucratic version of the Eye of Terror.

How to Check if Wahapedia is Down

super happy guardsman wal hor 40k army creator army builder New RecruitSo, how do you check if Wahapedia is truly offline or if it’s just your Wi-Fi playing tricks on you? Here are a few practical ways to confirm whether your beloved 40k resource is actually down or if you need to reboot your router:

Website Status Checkers: There are plenty of free tools like IsItDownRightNow or DownForEveryoneOrJustMe These websites do exactly what they sound like: they tell you if Wahapedia is down for everyone or just your device. They’ll save you the headache of wondering whether your connection to the Emperor’s light has been severed or if the site’s just down for repairs.

  • Social Media and Forums: The Warhammer 40k community is nothing if not vocal. If Wahapedia goes down, you can be sure someone’s talking about it on Reddit, Twitter, or a dedicated Warhammer forum. A quick search will let you know if others are experiencing the same issue. Sometimes it’s comforting to know you’re not alone in the warp.
  • Wahapedia’s Own Channels: In some cases, Wahapedia may post updates on its status directly on the website or its social media pages. Before you start preparing an army of angry emails, check if there’s an announcement explaining the downtime.

Tips for Finding Alternate Resources When Wahapedia is Unavailable

Alright, so Wahapedia is down. It happens. But you’re in the middle of a game and need your 40k fix. What now? Fear not, commander, because while Wahapedia is an exceptional resource, it’s not the only source of rules and data out there. Here are a few fallback options to keep your game rolling:

  • Official Warhammer Apps: While the Warhammer 40k app from Games Workshop isn’t free (cue the collective sigh), it’s an official source for up-to-date rules. It’s a bit pricier than Wahapedia’s non-existent fee, but it can hold you over in a pinch when the servers are down.
  • Tabletop Simulator and Mod Communities: If you’ve embraced the digital battlefield, Tabletop Simulator is another way to access custom-built armies and rules. There are a bunch of mod communities that have put together detailed assets for 40k, and while they may not be as comprehensive as Wahapedia, they can be a solid alternative during downtime.
  • Old-School Codices: If you’ve got a dusty shelf full of Warhammer 40k codices, this is their time to shine. Sure, they might not be as up-to-date as Wahapedia, but they’ve got the basic unit stats and rules to tide you over until Wahapedia gets back online. Plus, you can enjoy flipping through that glorious artwork and lore while waiting!

Games Workshop Is Trying to Take Down Wahapedia:

black eye warhammer 40k

It’s the clash of titans nobody wanted but everybody saw coming: Wahapedia versus Games Workshop. In one corner, you have Wahapedia, the beloved underdog resource for Warhammer 40k players. In the other, the mighty corporate giant Games Workshop, brandishing its ceaseless hunger for intellectual property protection. Grab your popcorn—this isn’t just a skirmish; it’s an all-out war for the digital battlefield of 40k rules.

Wahapedia Outages and Patreon Banning

Updated July 8, 2022: Wahapedia appeared down with a 403 error saying access is denied on mobile devices.

Currently, desktop versions of the site still work, we reached out to Wahapedia, and they indicated they were “working on it and to try again” it appears to be a technical problem, and nothing to do with their Warhammer 40k rules content.

Recently the site was removed from Patreon perhaps in response to its Russian origins, however, Patreon said it would allow Russian creators to continue to use the service back in March.

They were directing readers to use Bootsy (link here) so that Patreons could subscribe and continue to support the site. It appears that they have indeed been banned from Patreon, according to their discord:

Guys, I have two news for you: bad one and good one. Where to start?.. You are daredevil, aren’t you? Okay, let’s start with the bad one: my Patreon is banned. Yes, you probably already saw this bar on the site. Let it hang for a couple of days, okay?

Don’t get angry. Due to the Patreon ban, I welcome my loyal patrons and all who are willing to support my hard work on this site to re-subscribe on Boosty following these simple instructions: 

What about a good one? So, you probably saw it too – War Zone Nephilim: Grand Tournament is already on the site. Note that I re-input the secondaries of all factions just for this GT. According to the rules – secondaries from the codexes cannot be used. And one more feature – the CSM secondaries have been added to the site, despite the fact that the codex itself is not on the site yet. Just ignore them.

Downtime March 2022

Wahapedia downtime on March 14/15th, 2022, looks to have been resolved. A recent post by Wahapedia said the following:

Dear comrades! As you may have noticed, the site was once again subjected to a cyberattack. However, this time not only my site was affected, but also a number of sites on the servers of my hoster. Measures are being taken. Without plunging you into technical details, I will say that the site should now work, albeit more slowly.

However, every cloud has a silver lining – for me, the site web.archive.org has become a discovery, where Wahapedia is alive and well, although not the most up-to-date version. If it fits, you can use it.

So apparently, their host was attacked this time, which makes sense given the current state of affairs over the Ukrainian conflict.  However, this isn’t the first time they have been attacked, and as you can see from their February update, they point some shade towards England.


Update: Wahapedia downtime on February 17th looks to have been resolved. A recent post by Wahapedia said the following:

Recently, DDoS attacks have become frankly annoying, so I took action. Now good old [REDACTED]** will have to work harder to put the server down. I hope this will not affect the performance of the site.

** this is a joke. I doubt that such a reputable company has stooped to such methods.

We added the redacted to this statement as it named someone who works for a company that sends out notices about things…

Wahapedia Downtime November 16-17th, 2021

Their downtime from Nov 16-17, 2021, has been resolved. If you are still having issues accessing Warhammer 40k content on Wahapedia, see their statement below for instructions on how to fix your browser.

Problem, Astartes?

What happened?

Links without “.html” at the end stopped working.

Why did this happen?

I wanted to upgrade the site, but at the same time NGINX stopped working (it is not provided, as it turned out, on the selected tariff plan).

What have I done to solve it?

I added “.html” to the links. This is a temporary solution and does not apply to archived versions of games.

What do you need to do?

Clear browser cache for wahapedia.ru. Especially critical for filterable factions (AM, SM, CSM, CD)

Is that all?

No, the issue is still being resolved. The ball is on the hosting support court. As for me, the question would be resolved over one call in half an hour by a competent specialist. In the meantime, I have to wait 4-8 hours for an answer to each letter.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you so much for your patience and support! 


Wahapedia Copyright Claims and Cease-and-Desist Notices

You may recall that Games Workshop asked Wahapedia to stop its activities in a cease-and-desist notice in September 2021. We have posted an excerpt (from an authenticated copy we obtained) of the notice below.

Wahapedia taken downThis is the claim against their activities from GW taken from their Patreon. The claims are for taking info and monetizing them through multiple sites. However, the site is more like a recipe site, where they just put the info out there, and you can choose to support it if you wish.

Wahapedia taken downWith this being the only real notice, we’ll just have to wait and see at this point what will happen. According to the notice, they basically had 14 days to take down the majority of the site. There is a precedent set for online resources like this to stay up, and judging from the time since this complaint, Games Workshop was unable to enforce their notice.

Impact on Wahapedia’s Future

When Games Workshop starts swinging the banhammer (pun intended), it doesn’t hold back. Known for aggressively protecting its intellectual property, Games Workshop has thrown more than a few legal curveballs at Wahapedia, and this skirmish isn’t about to end in a handshake. Wahapedia has been hit with cease-and-desist notices, alleging that the site’s comprehensive rule listings infringe on Games Workshop’s copyrights. After all, why sell codices if a free online resource can offer the same thing?

So, how does this affect the future of Wahapedia? Well, Wahapedia has taken some hits, but it’s not down for the count just yet. The site has faced temporary downtime, and the looming shadow of potential permanent closure has worried players who rely on it for 40k’s constant rule changes and FAQs. If Games Workshop continues to tighten the noose, there’s a real chance Wahapedia could be forced to pull a large portion—or all—of its content.

For Games Workshop, it’s about maintaining control of its intellectual property, which includes the elaborate rules, lore, and strategies that make Warhammer 40k the juggernaut that it is. The problem is, Wahapedia has become an essential tool for players who want to keep up without dropping a small fortune on books that become outdated faster than you can say “Adeptus Mechanicus.”

And that’s the crux of the tension: one side wants to protect its bottom line, while the other is trying to keep the game accessible and affordable for players around the world.

How Wahapedia is Responding to Legal Pressures

Wahapedia isn’t going down without a fight. Despite the cease-and-desist orders, cyberattacks, and a host of other challenges, the site’s creator, Vyacheslav Maltsev, has kept it operational (with some hiccups). Sure, there have been temporary downtimes as Wahapedia navigates the legal minefield, but it always seems to return, much to the relief of Warhammer 40k fans everywhere. It’s like the old adage: “What is dead may never die, but rises again… usually after a legal dispute.”

Temporary Downtimes and Alternatives for Supporting Wahapedia

Maltsev has turned to alternative means of keeping the site alive. While Patreon cut ties with Wahapedia due to its Russian origin and Games Workshop’s legal pressures, Maltsev found other platforms, like Bootsy, where fans could contribute financially to support the site. This support helps keep Wahapedia’s cogitators whirring, as long as they aren’t melted by another cease-and-desist letter.

How Wahapedia Has Adjusted to These Legal Battles and Continued Providing Rules

So, how exactly has Wahapedia adapted? By playing the waiting game. The website has largely managed to remain operational, albeit with some constraints. Wahapedia continues to provide access to the latest Warhammer 40k rules, stratagems, and point updates for 10th Edition. The site walks a fine line—offering essential information to players while keeping one eye on Games Workshop’s ever-watchful legal team.

Instead of folding under pressure, Wahapedia’s creator has focused on streamlining the site’s operations and keeping a low profile in terms of outright monetizing copyrighted content. At its core, Wahapedia isn’t about making a profit; it’s about offering a free, fan-driven service to the Warhammer community. This has helped shield it—at least somewhat—from harsher legal action.

That said, it’s a risky path. With each new rule release or edition update, Wahapedia walks the knife’s edge, hoping to avoid further legal fallout while delivering what the community has come to depend on. Meanwhile, players worldwide hope that Wahapedia can continue providing its invaluable service without becoming another casualty of corporate legal warfare.

Final Thoughts on The  IP Issues & Games Workshop NDA

games-workshop-ndaWe’ve covered a lot of the IP concerns from GW lately, most recently their NDA policy. It seems that with the advent of Warhammer+, they have really cracked down on all sides of their IP, from YouTubers to websites to content creators.

They seem to understand just how much their IP is worth with the giant lore they have created. If you want to see more of why GW may be getting more aggressive about their IP lately, we had a guest author break it down really well here.

Be sure to check out the latest on Wahapedia at the links below!

Have you used Wahapedia for Warhammer 40k, and do you think they will be forced to remove their rules content by Games Workshop?

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.