Warhammer 40k: 10th Edition Codex Release Dates Guide

warhammer 40k codex roadmap release date schedule 10th editionHere are the latest release dates and roadmap guide for all the 10th Edition Codex books that are on the way for Warhammer 40k!

The new 10th Edition Codex Roadmap is here, and if all goes according to plan, a whopping 12 Warhammer 40k codex books will be released by Summer 2024! Straight from Games Workshop, here’s the scoop on the newest rules headed our way along with codex release dates and more!

Warhammer 40k Codex Books Arriving By Summer 2024!

10th Edition 40k Codex Roadmap release dates warhammer 40k codex

The new Sisters and Genestealer Cults codex books arrived on June 22, 2024. But hold onto your hats because GW hasn’t spilled the beans on the mysterious redacted army yet. So there should be some some juicy previews soon for that! Plus, with all those Space Marine supplements still in the pipeline, fingers crossed it is one of those.

Everyone is itching to get their hands on the upcoming 10th Edition Codex books, as the release schedule keeps on shifting. In this article, we’ll dig into the new releases, dish up some details on what to expect from the updated 10th Edition Codex books, and how they’ll shake up gameplay.

Find out more about the new Warhammer 40k Codex books by jumping to any of the sections below.

release dates warhammer 40k codex

Maybe the biggest news is that without all the Space Marine supplements, there are only around 25 factions of armies in Warhammer 40k total. It is kind of wild to think that just one year into 10th Edition, nearly half of the Codex books will have been released!

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Codex Book Lineup & Release Dates:

codex books warhammer 40k wal hor

The release dates schedule for all the Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Codexes is like a gift that keeps on giving. While dates can sometimes shift, Games Workshop has provided a solid timeline to help you plan your next big army overhaul. Here are the key release dates to mark on your calendar:

Month Released: 40k Codex:
September 9, 2023: Tyranids
October 7, 2023: Space Marines
December 9, 2023: Ad Mech
December 9, 2023: Necrons
February 3, 2024: Dark Angels (In Deathwing Assault)
March 9, 2024: Dark Angels (Separate Release)
March 23, 2024: T’au Empire ( In Kroot Hunting Pack)
April 20, 2024: Adeptus Custodes
April 20, 2024: Orks
May 4th, 2024 T’au Empire (Separate Release)
May 25th, 2024: Chaos Space Marines
June 22nd, 2024:
Genestealer Cults
June 22nd, 2024: Adepta Sororitas
Summer 2024: Redacted Faction


10th edition year 1 roadmap release dates warhammer 40k codex

These dates kick off a year of exciting releases, with each month bringing fresh content and new strategies to explore.

The question now may be if GW will take two years to release the last 14 codex books after this summer, as they tend to reboot 40k every three years. Based on that trend, 11th edition 40k is on track for a summer 2026 release!

Which 10th Edition 40k Codexes are Coming Next?

release dates warhammer 40k codex

We have the roadmap through most of the summer, but that still leaves a lot of new Codex release dates to be revealed! If you look at the 9th Edition 40k, some of the books didn’t drop until nearly the end of the edition, so unfortunately, we expect the same fate for 10th codex books and some of their release dates as well.

Warhammer Games Workshop 40,000 - Codex: Orks (2024-10th Edition)
GAMES WORKSHOP Warhammer 40k: T'au Empire Codex (2024)
Warhammer Codex: ADEPTUS Custodes (ENG)
Warhammer Games Workshop 40,000 - Codex: Orks (2024-10th Edition)
GAMES WORKSHOP Warhammer 40k: T'au Empire Codex (2024)
Warhammer Codex: ADEPTUS Custodes (ENG)
10th Edition
Amazon Prime
Warhammer Games Workshop 40,000 - Codex: Orks (2024-10th Edition)
Warhammer Games Workshop 40,000 - Codex: Orks (2024-10th Edition)
10th Edition
Amazon Prime
GAMES WORKSHOP Warhammer 40k: T'au Empire Codex (2024)
GAMES WORKSHOP Warhammer 40k: T'au Empire Codex (2024)
10th Edition
Warhammer Codex: ADEPTUS Custodes (ENG)
Warhammer Codex: ADEPTUS Custodes (ENG)
10th Edition

Last update on 2024-06-25 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Most recently, Tau, Orks, Adeptus Custodes, and Chaos have hit store shelves along with Genestealer Cults, andAdepta Sororitas. Currently, an unknown faction’s codex book is up next for summer 2024.

Upcoming & Unreleased 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Codex Book Release Dates


Here’s the scoop on which factions still need their codex books compared to the last edition, along with what’s coming up next.

Codex Release date
Aeldari Unknown
Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) Unknown
Chaos Daemons Unknown
Chaos Knights Unknown
Death Guard Unknown
Drukhari (Dark Eldar) Unknown
Grey Knights Unknown
Imperial Knights Unknown
Leagues of Votann Unknown
Thousand Sons Unknown
World Eaters Unknown
Emperor’s Children Unconfirmed & Unknown
Space Marine Supplements Unconfirmed & Unknown
Agents of The Imperium Unknown

Chaos: Emperor’s Children Codex

You can bet your dice that the Emperor’s Children Chaos Space Marines are definitely getting their own codex and models soon. They got kicked out of the latest Chaos Space Marines codex and put into an Index, so it’s pretty much guaranteed they’re next in line for their own standalone faction.

40k Emperor's Children Codex 2

So get ready to make some noise soon!

What are Warhammer 40k Codexes?

Adeptus Custodes Codex 10th release dates warhammer 40k codexWarhammer 40k Codexes are essential guidebooks for players to play the different factions in Warhammer. They serve as rulebooks and lore compendiums for all the playable factions within the universe. When combined with the core rules, they have all the rules you need to play your army.

Each Codex delves into the history, tactics, and unique characteristics of a particular army, offering players insight into the strengths and weaknesses of their chosen faction. From the stoic Space Marines to the insidious forces of Chaos, every Codex provides detailed information on unit types, special abilities, and army-building strategies.

Necrons 40k detachment rules warhammer

For example, the Necrons Codex introduced new protocols that offer dynamic battlefield strategies, while the Orks Codex doubled down on the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their warfare. These key changes highlight each faction’s unique characteristics, ensuring every game feels fresh and exciting.

New Warhammer Galaxy Map

These books not only lay out the rules for gameplay but also suck you into the awesome narrative and worldbuilding of Warhammer 40k. They’re packed with captivating stories, stunning artwork, and detailed illustrations, bringing the grim darkness of the far future to vibrant life.

GW keeps these codexes up to date to keep the game balanced, with new editions introducing revised rules and extra content. Can’t have players feeling left out in the cold, can they?

Generally, these updates are done through FAQs and Balance Dataslates.

What Will Happen To Codex Books In 10th Edition Warhammer 40k?

10th edition Tyranids 7

The Design Studio has taken a long, hard look at the state of the game. The core rules that underpin Warhammer 40,000 are strong, but in their review, they found many opportunities for streamlining the system, fixing rules that didn’t quite sit right, and numerous other ‘quality-of-life’ changes. 

As they said multiple times, the new edition aims to simplify and streamline a lot of the clutter surrounding rules. With this reveal, they reiterated that idea further.

9th edition codexes

Those sticky complexities have now been smoothed out, and without losing any of the game’s depth. These much-needed simplifications are substantial enough that, from a rules perspective at least, every ninth edition codex has been rendered obsolete. That’s not to say they’re useless – they’re still bursting with the lore, history, and short stories that define each faction, and until new codexes emerge over the course of the new edition, these books will still be the main repository of the knowledge you need.

While it sounds rough, “rendered obsolete,” it does make sense. The overhaul they are talking about seems to be all-encompassing, and trying to tie in or errata all the current rules just isn’t worth it and would be confusing for players anyway.

9th edition datacards

The associated packs of datacards are also obsolete. One of the main vectors for streamlining armies has been to heavily reduce the numbers of Stratagems available to each faction. Gone are the days of shuffling through 50 cards to find the right ability – each army now has a lean list of them included on the double-page spread that defines them.

With the band-aid ripped off, datacards containing the rules from the codexes will also be unusable.

You will nevertheless be able to play your chosen army as soon as the new edition lands. We are releasing revamped, restatted, and reconsidered datasheets for every single unit in the game – all free to download at launch and ready to go. You’ll also be able to buy inexpensive packs of these cards at launch.

However, to ease the pain a bit, all factions received a free online Index set of rules on day 1!

Arks Of Omen

Boarding Actions, on the other hand, are still going strong. The core rules in Arks of Omen: Abaddon were specifically written to work with the new edition, and the book will remain available for the foreseeable future. All you need to play this tight and tense format of Warhammer 40,000, is this book, the book that contains your own faction rules, and a set of terrain.

The last tidbit they gave us was regarding the Arks of Omen series, and thankfully, these recent books and their rules were made to continue working into the 10th edition.

Impact on Warhammer 40k Gameplay and Meta

gw tables warhammer world

Buckle up because, between the new 10th Edition Codexes, quarterly points changes, and the Balance Dataslate, the is set to turn the gameplay and competitive meta on its head. With new units, rules, and mechanics, get ready for some serious strategic shake-ups.

Influence on Gameplay

tyranids codex art 10th release dates warhammer 40k codex

The new Codexes are designed to keep things fresh and exciting on the battlefield. Each Codex introduces unique units and abilities that reflect the distinct flavors of their factions. For instance, the Space Marines Codex emphasizes versatility and tactical flexibility, allowing you to adapt your strategies on the fly.

On the other hand, the Tyranids Codex focuses on overwhelming your foes with bio-engineered monstrosities, leveraging sheer numbers and terrifying adaptability to dominate the battlefield.

These new gameplay elements encourage players to experiment with different strategies and army compositions, making each game of Warhammer 40K more dynamic and unpredictable. The updated rules and mechanics ensure that battles remain balanced and engaging, with each faction having its own strengths and weaknesses that need to be managed cleverly.

Shifts in the Meta and Competitive Scene

new custodes adeptus codex 10th Edition 40k

Newly released Codexes have definitely shake up the competitive meta. As players integrate these fresh units and rules into their armies, the balance of power will shift, leading to new strategies and counter-strategies. Competitive players will need to stay sharp, continuously adapting their tactics to counter the latest threats and seize new opportunities.

For example, the Necrons’ new rules forced other factions to come up with new tactics to counter their relentless resilience and advanced tech. Meanwhile, the Orks’ new units introduced a level of chaos that even the more versed players found challenging to predict and counter, while the Adeptus Custodes book tumbled out of the gate at launch.

These shifts in the meta will keep the competitive scene vibrant and exciting as players explore new ways to outmaneuver their opponents and claim victory. The evolving strategic landscape will also provide plenty of opportunities for casual and competitive players to experiment with different army builds and tactics, making every game a new adventure.

How Do You Redeem Warhammer 40k Codex Codes?

warhammer-40k-codexes-books-codex-10th-Edition release dates warhammer 40k codex

On the back page of every codex, there is a code that will grant you online access to the rules and the army builder function within the Warhammer 40k app. You will need to have a My Warhammer account to redeem the code. Once you have that setup, you can go into the Warhammer 40k app and type in the code that comes on the back page of the codex.

Once you have entered the code, you will then be able to access the rules within the 40k App, which will be automatically updated when GW updates the rules, and you can also use the army builder in the app to make your army lists. The code can only be used once, so don’t share it!

Ease of 10th Edition 40k Codex Release Dates

Space Marines Lieutenant 2With a complete framework for every faction, making new codexes has never been easier for GW. All they have to do is look at the meta, change some points, fill in some new detachments, and add artwork. Boom, a new book!

For the last edition, they had to make basically entirely new books with only the models laid out for them. This time, they don’t have to worry about individual points, coming up with the identity for the edition, or anything like that.

Codex Chaos Space Marines release dates warhammer 40k codex

So, in theory, it should be easy (as long as they can ship out the products) to make new books, stay on track, and actually make changes closer to release than usual.

It is clear that Games Workshop is committed to keeping the game fresh and exciting by regularly updating the Codex books and introducing new content. With the release of 12 new Codex books by Summer 2024, players have a lot to look forward to.

Overall, the future of Warhammer 40k looks bright, and we can’t wait to see what new content Games Workshop has in store for us. Click the links below to find out more about the awesome Warhammer 40k universe and tabletop game!

Are you excited about the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and GW’s stance on the codex book rules and these release dates?

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.