Star Wars Shatterpoint: Previews, Expansions & Release Order

shatterpoint roadmap new releases previews

Ministravaganza 2024 brought more Star Wars Shatterpoint miniatures, expansions, and roadmap previews: here’s the latest since 2023.

Star Wars Shatterpoint: Previews & New Release Roadmap

If you love Star Wars Shatterpoint and have been eagerly waiting for the latest updates from Atomic Mass Games, we’ve got the official roadmap timeline and news for you. Plus, all the latest previews and announcements, including new releases, expansions, and rules for Star Wars Shatterpoint.

This current timeline goes well into 2025, with a ton of miniatures set to be released soon! There are even more sneak peeks not listed in this image, but we’ve got you covered with the latest Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza and previews roundup below.

Ministravaganza Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap Timeline Preview

ministravaganza roadmap for shatterpoint

Ministravaganza 2024 blasted off with a galactic bang as AMG unveiled the newest STAR WARS: Shatterpoint roadmap preview and miniatures. Fans were treated to a sneak peek of thrilling new squad packs, jaw-dropping miniatures, and exciting card reveals that were teased at Adepticon 2024. From the elite ranks of CT-9904 and Paz Vizsla to the iconic Boba Fett and Lando Calrissian, the force is strong with these new additions.

The latest releases on the 2024-25 release schedule previews for Star Wars Shatterpoint feature the Terror from Below Squad pack, Paz Vizsla and Covert Mandalorians, We Don’t Need Their Scum Character Pack, Jedi Master Kit Fisto, and way more expanions!

Furthermore, the “Rogue One Squad” and the “All The Way Squad” Packs will round out the year with more characters, including Cassian Andor and Orson Krennic.

Adepticon Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap Timeline Preview

Star Wars Shatterpoint Release Timeline

This 2024-25 release schedule for Star Wars Shatterpoint was revealed at Adepticon, and featured Crosshair from The Bad Batch, Mandalorians such as the Armorer and Paz Viszla, and bounty hunters from Empire Strikes Back, including Boba Fett, IG-11, Bossk, and Dengar.

Furthermore, the “What Have We Here” and the “Maximum Firepower” Pack will round out the year with more characters from The Empire Strikes Back, including Lando and General Veers. Veers was even said to have the unique ability to aim AT-AT bombardments at other players! Characters like Kit Fisto and Ki-Adi-Mundi will debut in the game in other character packs in early 2025.

New Shatterpoint Miniatures & Expansion Packs Previews

Here are the latest new previews and releases for Star Wars Shatterpoint from Atomic Mass Games.

Star Wars May The 4th Reveals

OG Star Wars Heroes

May the 4th be with you! We are officially welcoming your favorite heroes from STAR WARS: A New Hope to STAR WARS: Shatterpoint in the This is Some Rescue Squad Pack, available for pre-order June 3rd.

The squad revealed on May the 4th, 2024, is a disguised group of familiar faces ready to bring A New Hope to the Shatterpoint scene!

Latest Shatterpoint Previews From Adepticon & Minstravaganza 2024

The following Shatterpoint squads are from the latest new release roadmap preview we saw at Adepticon and Ministravaganza 2024.

Not Accepting Surrenders Squad Pack

Q4 2024 Miniatures & Squad Packs

Good Soldiers Follow Orders Squad PAck

This is the way squad pack

This is the way! How can you hate on a pack with so many iconic Mandalorians from the show?

We dont need their scum squad pack

What have we here squad pack

maximum firepower squad pack

These units really do range from the original trilogies to the Mandalorian. So, pretty much no matter what era of Star Wars you’re into, the upcoming expansions will have something for you!

Q1 2025 Miniatures & Squad Packs

Wisdom of the Council Squad Pack

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 9 Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Shaak Ti are joined by Padawan learners. Customize your second Padawan as an Ithorian, Rodian, Zabrak, or Human for that personal touch.

Request Your Surrender Squad Pack

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 8Featuring Jedi Master Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb, Clone Commander Fil, and Fil’s Clones. It’s all about the elegant surrender.

Q2 2025 Models

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024: Deploy The Garrison Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 11Director Orson Krennic, Death Troopers, and Shoretroopers. Death Troopers here have some neat synergy with Gideon’s Death Troopers, ensuring your garrison is rock solid.

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024: All The Way Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 10Cassian Andor, K-2SO, and Rebel Pathfinders are ready to go the distance.

Delta Squad, Form Up Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 13 Fan-favorite clone commandos Boss, Fixer, Sev, and Scorch are coming to town later in Q2 2025.

This is Rogue One Squad Pack

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 12Jyn Erso, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, and Bodhi Rook are back together, ready to fight the good fight in SWP52.

Terror From Below Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 14Riff Tamson, Nossor Ri, and two Separatist Aqua Droids are here to terrorize the deep. Expect them in late Q2 2025.

Whether you want to sport the Empire or aid the Rebellion, these up-and-coming Shatterpoint squad pack releases have you covered!

New Shatterpoint Rules & Cards Previews

What Have We Here Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 7Lando Calrissian and Lobot bring a touch of class. Lobot and the Wing Guard are all about detaining abilities and making sure the opposition stays right where they want them.

Maximum Firepower Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 6General Veers and his Snowtrooper Lieutenant are all about optimizing Stormtrooper efficiency. Snowtroopers can swap a condition for a bit of damage – talk about taking one for the team!

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024: We Don’t Need Their Scum Character Pack

Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 5Boba Fett and Dengar are on the hunt. Fett’s gunning for primary units, while Dengar is a melee beast, ready to demolish anything in his path.

This is the Way Squad Pack

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 3


Star Wars Shatterpoint Ministravaganza 2024 4 Paz Vizsla and his Covert Mandalorians are here to show everyone how it’s done. Because, you know, it’s the way.

After seeing the latest Roadmap preview, it’s safe to say that Star Wars Shatterpoint will continue to deliver exciting new previews and Ministravaganza content and keep players immersed in a galaxy far, far away.

What do you think about the new releases, expansions, and roadmap previews for Star Wars Shatterpoint from Adepticon and Ministravaganza?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!