GW Said Slaanesh Codex & They Can’t Take It Back

fulgrim slaanesh wal hor titleGW is removing some 40k Emperor’s Children from the Chaos Space Marines Codex, and hinted that a book for Slaanesh is on the menu as well!

With the Chaos codex lingering on the horizon, GW informed everyone that Noise Marines and Lucius will not be included in the book but will get their own datasheets in an index. We’ve been hearing rumors for years about a Slaanesh-inspired Emperor’s Children codex, and with World Eaters getting theirs, things are looking up!

It Looks Like a 40k Emperor’s Children Codex is on the Menu

Here is the latest on Slaanesh and an Emperor’s Children Codex from Warhammer Community.

40k Emperor's Children Codex

Lucius the Eternal and Noise Marine squads are both absent from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, and while none can say why they chose not to show up for the next big Chaos shindig, they aren’t going without rules. In fact, these devotees of the Dark Prince are getting their own Index, with updated datasheets to ensure you can field them alongside all the new Detachments.

While any Chaos Space Marine warband can still recruit Noise Marines of their own, the Index also includes a guide to fielding a true Emperor’s Children army, fixing up your keywords so they’ll feel properly luxurious on the battlefield. 

The index will give you plenty of rules to play with your existing range, but if you ask us, this feels like a setup for a codex. Think of Death Guard, Thousand Sons, and World Eaters. They don’t have all their units in the codex, and the only real reason we can think about is a new codex!

If they are arriving in this edition, it would only make sense not to have them in the codex to follow the current setup. Otherwise, why would they spend the time to make a separate index?

40k Emperor's Children Codex 2

You might think that this heralds the imminent announcement of a new Codex, perhaps one bound in human skin and painted in garish colours – but if so, it’s too distant for even Warhammer Community’s astropathic choir to detect any signals, and we got a stern talking to from the Inquisitors for even trying. We can only assume we’re safe for the foreseeable future, but if that changes then we’ll let you know.

While GW doesn’t come right out and say it, we expect the codex to be near the end of 10th (maybe even a full year and a half to two years from now), so they aren’t going to spoil a release that far away. It worked for World Eaters in 9th, so it seems like there is no reason why they would not repeat themselves by releasing a new army (or two- Votann) at the end of an edition again.

But it’s fun to hope for a new codex, plastic Fulgrim model, and more!

Let’s look back at our latest rumors for Emperor’s Children.

RUMORS: Plastic Primarch Fulgrim, Why GW Is Releasing in Resin First, & Emperor’s Children Codex

Fulgrim Horus HeresyWe all know a plastic version is coming. Don’t kid yourself; the writing has been on the wall for years, and the plastic Fulgrom model’s release is probably following another established release pattern from Games Workshop.

So far, GW has established a pattern of releasing a new Chaos Legion and Primarch at the end or beginning of an edition. 

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & Chaos Legions Release Pattern

magnus walLooking back at the pattern, we can guess that it will most likely be when the Emperor’s Children will be released. Thousand Sons were reworked/released in December 2016, right near the end of the 7th Edition. Following that up, Death Guard came out the next year, in the Fall of 2017, at the beginning of 8th Edition.

Skipping a few years in between, the World Eaters came out the most recently at the end of 9th Edition (winter 2023), so there were basically six years from Thousand Sons to World Eaters.  This gave Games Workshop time to drop project Primaris, among other things that needed updating.

Plastic Primarch Fulgrim & 40k Emperor’s Children Slaanesh Codex Release?

fulgrim RUMOR: More Daemon Primarchs On The Way For 40k!

Skipping ahead a little while from now, you can make some interesting inferences:

Chances are Emperor’s Children could be released at the end or beginning of 11th Edition (or possibly at the end of 10th, like WE). This would put the release date in late 2025/early 2026 (as each edition lasts three years). That is, of course, if Games Workshop does it at the end of the 10th/beginning of the 11th Edition.

However, if they are slated for the end of 10th Edition, we would likely have to wait until 2026 or late 2025 to see the faction reworked. 

It Makes Sense For GW To Release Resin Fulgrim First!

Fulgrim Horus HeresyWith this much space potentially between the release of resin versus plastic, it seems like a sales tactic to put distance between the two Fulgrim models. 

This potentially gives Mr. Resin Fulgrim three years of legroom to sell, but not very much after that. Most models don’t have a lifespan beyond that, anyway.

While we don’t have any concrete information about a new Emperor’s Children Codex or a plastic Fulgrim model for Slaanesh, it’s pretty easy to look at GW’s release cycle for Chaos and make some educated guesses. Plus, with them not included in the codex, things are looking up. Plus, it’s always fun to speculate about the future of 40k, just like Games Workshop did in their latest update…

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the timeframe for a plastic Fulgrim to come to 40k versus the resin one to represent Slaanesh?

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

Bio: Virginia restless, miniature painter & cat dad. He blames LEGOs for all this, as there was something about those little-colored blocks that started it all. Spikey Bits sprung from Rob staying motivated to hobby on his backlog of projects, while sharing his knowledge with others during the early blogging era.

LEGO maniac and scale model hobbyist in the 80s turned miniature wargamer and trading card player ever since. He’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition), but Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and minatures made of pewter and resin.