Top 5 Things You Need To Know: AoS 2.0

By Wesley Floyd | November 21st, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Top 10, Warhammer 40k Rumors

celestant prime hor wal sigmar stormcast

Last weekend, Warhammer Fest released a ton of information and today we are going to break down the Top 5 things you need to know about Age of Sigmar 2.0

In case you missed the video, this is what we’re talking about.

 1. Do you have to start over?

Don’t worry boys and girls, nothing in the new edition or FAQ is making your models obsolete. Coming from the Warhammer developers themselves:

If you have an army for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, you will still be able to use it in the new edition. The rules for some units will change slightly, and some allegiences will be updated, but every unit in your force will still be in the game in this new edition.

The battletomes will still be usable and the general’s handbook we already go by is here to stay.

2. When is the new edition dropping?

sigmar AOS

Per the FAQ and Generals Handbook and new edition core rules are dropping sometime in June.

There have not been any specific dates yet but hey, June is only a month away.

3. Advancing The Lore


When the new edition of Age of Sigmar drops, there will be a large advancement to the storyline probably having something to do with how everyone’s been doing since the world blew up in Fantasy.

4. No More Shooting!

There’s actually still a ton of shooting in AOS, but when the new edition releases, there won’t be any more shooting out of combat.

Now, when you get into combat with a group of archers, you don’t have to worry about ducking for incoming arrows. What a buff for Orruks right?

sigmar orruks

5. New Models

New models will be hitting the tabletop as well. We’ve already seen some spoilers for some badass models that will represent spells moving throughout the table as the game goes on.

malign sorceryOh, and there will a bunch of spooky boys released for Nighthaunt, and spellcasters for the Stormcasts.


age of sigmar video black coach nighthaunts

As we still have over half a month until June arrives, we can still only guess what this new edition will be like. Age of Sigmar is already a fantastic game and it seems like a lore thrust, and rules tweak would be refreshing.

What do you affect do you think not being able to shoot out of combat will have on certain armies? What factions would you like to see after Stormcasts and Nighthaunts?

Check out what people are saying about AoS 2.0 on Facebook and let us know what you think!

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