All the Kruleboyz Rules, Models & AoS Army Lists

New-Kruleboyz-Title-wal-hor-miniaturesCheck out everything for the new Orruks including all the Kruleboyz rules, models, and even how to build your own army lists.

There were a ton of new kits and all but one of them can be picked up right now. If you aren’t sure if you want to collect them, we’ll also cover some of the rules, Rob sees how hard they are to build, and what sample army lists look like, that way you can make an informed decision if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars!

We’ll start with all the kits, then check out the rules, and lastly, a few army lists! Let’s get into it.

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth 

Lead your forces into battle with a mighty Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth, combining the lumbering strength of a massive swamp creature with the wily cunning of the Kruleboyz Leaders.

Other than looking very menacing, these giant leaders are bound to keep their boyz in line without too much dissonance.

Beast-skewer Killbow

Is the armour plating of Stormcast Eternals and thick hides of monsters frustrating your boyz? Pierce right through them with the Beast-skewer Killbow, a vicious war machine capable of threatening even the largest foes with its razor-sharp bolts.

Destruction has had a lack of ranged options, but luckily this new armor-piercing option might help turn the tide against those shiny golden boys.

Both of these kits are Easy To Build or (ETB) as they say.

All the Kruleboyz Rules, Models & AoS Army Lists

kruleboyzAfter the book came out, the other models were delayed on the release. The good news is almost all of them are ready to order right now. Let’s check out the second wave of releases.

Swampboss Skumdrekk

First up is Swampboss Skumdrekk. He’s a legend among the Kruleboyz not only for his abilities as a mighty warrior but also for the fact that he’s been known to gamble on the outcome of battles.

This is a new monster/mount model which is always exciting, but the fact that a box is on top means he will also probably be a decent support and combat piece.

We’re not sure about you, but if we saw Skumdrekk and his terrifying Sludgeraker Beast, we know who we’d bet on.

Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast

The kit alternately makes a Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast if you want to give Skumdrekk a friend to ride into battle with.

While this is technically the same model, it is a new character in the form of a generic one, hopefully meaning he’ll be a little cheaper but still have much of the essence of what the model wants to accomplish.

Marshcrawla Sloggoth

That’s not the only giant beastie joining the ranks of the Orruk Warclans – there’s also the Marshcrawla Sloggoth for when your grots need to arrive in style.

If you’re facing one of these creatures, try to avoid getting grabbed by the grots’ long, sharp snatcha gear and watch out for the Sloggoth’s bothersome regenerative powers.

From the sounds of the GW description, it sounds like this will be a tanky unit that can potentially punish units and heal. Depending on how it works in-game, this could be a serious pain for your opponents!


Forming the core of the Kruleboyz battlelines, the Gutrippaz have a new weapon option to go with their vicious stikkas.

These sadistic greenskins are well known to be spiteful and kunnin’, and they can overwhelm unsuspecting enemies through sheer weight of numbers

As the first of two Kruleboyz Dominion kits to be confirmed for separate box releases, these will get extra poses, bringing way more diversity in your army than wouldn’t be possible if you just spammed the Dominion box versions.

Man-skewer Boltboyz

Alongside them are the Man-skewer Boltboyz with a new Boltboy Boss option.

As the second Kruleboyz Dominion kits to be confirmed for separate box releases, these will get extra poses, bringing way more diversity in your army than wouldn’t be possible if you just spammed the Dominion box versions. Not to mention a new unique model for the sergeant to help him stand out even more. Unfortunately, this is the one kit that hasn’t come out yet. So still waiting on these guys!

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 2On the battlefield, Killabeak tears through enemy ranks with beak and claw,* while the Mouth of Mork wreaks arcane destruction. So great is Gobsprakk’s magical might that the crotchety shaman has bested many sorcerers in the past, including a great Lord of Change. Look closely, and you can see the daemon’s hand atop Gobsprakk’s staff – it’s bound to the material plane by the shaman’s iron-willed desire to show it off.

If he can beat a Lord of Change, we expect his arcane prowess to be insane! Plus the mini is just pretty awesome all around that looks like it will be quite giant and tower over the tabletop.

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 3Thanks to his experience hunting down powerful wizards for his trophy rack (he’s certainly giving Yndrasta some competition for the grisliest collection). Gobsprakk has developed a particular knack for countering the enemy’s magics. 

When you get close to the details, this is really cool. While some people don’t like the new aesthetic, this one is pretty cool.

Alternate Version of the Kit

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 5For those whose ears are not open to the whisperings of the Mouth of Mork, this incredible new kit also makes a Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha – the perfect combination of strength and cunning to lead your boyz into battle.

It’s always cool to get two versions from one kit. So if you don’t want the named character, you can just make a character on top of the mount instead.

Time to Build Kruleboyz Gobsprakk: Unboxing & Build

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.


Get yours for less on Amazon, Dicehead Games, or eBay 

Kruleboyz Rules

Gutrippaz WarscrollWith 2 wounds each, and the ability to scare the enemy into hitting them at a -1, these are pretty decent. Still, for their Battleline unit, 18 points is a little pricey.

Killaboss WarscrollBecause only one unit can make use of Inspiring Presence, All Part of Da Plan can save you some serious casualties. On top of that, he has a decent stat line and can negate wounds onto his poor Stab Grot. Press F for that adorable little guy…

Murknob warscroll


Swampcalla ShamanThe spell doesn’t seem crazy when you first look at it. But casting an army-wide buff is pretty powerful. If you can get this off every turn, it will just be really annoying for your opponent. While helping you get stuck in that much easier. On top of that, the potions really give you even more power, so if you play them, this will be in like every list. 

Hobgrot Splittaz


Man-Skewer warscrollLastly, the shooty boyz of the army. You can either run the Hobgrots around throwing grenades or go with the Boltboyz. The Boltboyz can dish out a decent amount of damage, so not a bad choice for your shooting. We also know they’ll have some artillery, but haven’t seen those warscrolls yet.

New AoS Kruleboyz Rules

Kruleboyz rulesThe Kruleboyz even have their own extra allegiance ability, Venom-encrusted Weapons, which is every bit as nasty as it sounds! What’s more, they gain this ability whether you field an army consisting exclusively of Kruleboyz or use them as part of a larger Orruk Warclans force.

This is honestly kind of insane that every model in the army has this! It just gives big units the ability to dish out serious damage no matter what they’re fighting. On top of that, the Shaman can brew a potion to make a unit do this on a 5+.

New Command Abilities

command abilitiesOrruk Warclans really benefit from the changes in the new edition – especially command abilities. In the hero phase, Rally is a brilliant way to bring more ladz back into the fray and can be a game-changer for a big unit that’s down to only a few models. 

If you have some giant units, this could really bring back a decent number of minis. If you are somehow left with one guy, this has the possibility to bring the unit back to strength.

command abilityThere are a few command abilities that give some really nice defensive options, but one great one for Savage Orruk Arrowboyz is Unleash Hell.

With only getting -1 on your hit roll, this is a pretty cool ability! It will help when your opponent gets the double turn and you can really do nothing about getting charged.

command abilities 2All-out Attack and All-out Defence also synergize well with all Orruk Warclans units. A bonus to hit in the shooting or combat phase, or to save rolls made for a key unit, can make all the difference.

Both sides of this are very helpful and can just buff up a unit to either hit harder or stay a little safer. If you combine this with the potion from the Swampcall Shaman, the unit would receive +2 to their saves.

New AoS Kruleboyz Gobsprakk Rules Revealed by GW

Gobsprakk rulesHe’s accompanied into battle by his grot attendant Rinklefinga, who has a secret weapon of his own – a screamin’ mandrakk. While it may look harmless, this root yelps so loudly when it’s squeezed that it puts enemy casters right off their game.

This isn’t the craziest thing ever, but if you really need to unbind a spell, this makes it super easy. Just be sure to use it at the right tim1

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 4The shaman likes to summon swarms of minuscule tapewyrm squigs in the guts of his opponents. Disrupting their spellcasting and sometimes even causing them to explode in an eruption of Waaagh! energy. 

This is really dangerous for enemy spellcasters! If you cast a spell when he’s on the table, be careful or you might explode.

New Spells

Gobsprakk rules 2We’ve seen this previewed before so not really new, but from now on, it will be new stuff! Still, this is really strong for a buff to your entire army and a debuff to the entire enemy army.

Gobsprakk rules 3Gobsprakk also has access to the Kruleboyz-specific spell lores – Lore of the Swamp – and can cast two spells per turn, allowing him a mixture of control and direct damage. We particularly love Sneaky Miasma, which lets you reposition nearby Monsters for a sudden charge into an unprepared enemy flank. 

This can be really strong and get your monsters into position faster than the enemy suspects. plus, with only a 6 to cast, you should be able to get it off most of the time.

Gobsprakk rules 4Da Black Pit, on the other hand, is brilliant for murdering heavy infantry – the bigger they are, the harder they’ll fall.

This is honestly pretty insane, they suffer a mortal wound for every time you roll equal to or greater than their save. Against a big infantry block with good armor saves, you could easily cause a mortal for 66% of the minis in the unit… so beware armies with good armor saves and high mini count.

All the New Orruk Warclans Kruleboyz Rules & Points

Kruleboyz points 3First up, the Gutrippaz come in at 18 points a model which isn’t terrible. The Beast-skewer Killbow is fairly expensive but does have the ability to take down really big monsters. While the Breaka-boss on the Troggoth isn’t too bad points-wise and has some really fun mechanics.

Kruleboyz points 2Gobsprakk has some interesting rules and isn’t terribly expensive points-wise, it’s just sometimes hard to justify spending $140 for 300 points. These are just some of the new points costs, if you want to see everything, click the link below!

See All the Points Here!

How To Play Age of Sigmar Kruleboyz: 2,000 Point Armies

kruleboyz orruks

Starting with the Kruleboyz let’s look at their rules and how we might go about building a force for them. These rules affect models with the Kruleboyz keyword only.

  • Pick Grinning Blades (first-round not visible to enemy units more than 12” away), Big Yellers (add 3” to the range of shooting attacks and the first battleround can re-roll 1 for hit rolls for 1 attack), or Skulbugz (when enemy attacks and is within 3” of friendly unit roll a dice adding 2 if the friendly unit is monster, on a 6+ subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit) sub-faction.
  • Unmodified hit rolls of 6 deal mortal wounds equal to the wounds characteristic of the weapon and the attack sequence ends
  • Once per battle in the combat phase when the general attacks, you can choose two friendly units wholly within 18” that have not attacked yet and attack with them one after the other in the order you choose.
  • Dirty Tricks: Choose one after players receive command points but before the first battle round begins:
    • Subtract 1 from wound rolls from enemy units for the first battle round
    • Roll 3 dice for each 4+ pick a terrain feature and secretly write it down, then the first time an enemy finishes a move within 1” of it roll a dice. On a 2+ that units suffers D6 mortal wounds
    • Roll 3 dice and for each 4+ pick 1 enemy unit on the battlefield. Then roll a dice for each unit, if it is greater than their wounds characteristic they are removed from play and must be set up in your opponent’s territory as a reinforcement.
    • Roll 3 dice and for each 4+ pick 1 friendly unit that is not a hero or monster. Those units cannot be seen while in cover.
  • Unique Command traits, spells, mount traits, and artifacts.

These guys are versatile, and they have some very strong spells (I love the anti-ward save one) and the dirty tricks let you adapt to the army your opponent is running and give you a boon turn one. Let’s build out three different armies based on the sub-faction you choose.

Grinning Blades:

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk r

These guys are great if your opponent is using a missile or magic-heavy army as it basically makes them lose their first turn unless they get in close to you, which they don’t want to do.

  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork: Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4: 300 Points
  • Swampcalla Shaman with Pot- grot: Leader 2 of 6: 105 Points
  • Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth: Leader 3 of 6: 180 Points
  • Murknob with Belcha-banna: Leader 4 of 6: 95 Points
  • Killaboss with Stab-grot: Leader 5 of 6: 110 Points
  • 20 Hobgrot Slittaz: 160 Points
  • 20 Gutrippaz: Battleline 1 of 3: 360 Points
  • 20 Gutrippaz: Battleline 2 if 3: 360 Points
  • 10 Gutrippaz: Battleline 3 of 3: 180 Points
  • Marshcrawla Sloggoth: 150 Points *Writers note, I had not realized this did not have the keyword Kruleboyz (guessing errors by GW) I would swap this out for a beast-skewer Killbow or you could drop the Killaboss with Stab Grot for Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha. Sorry for the confusion! Hopefully, GW will fix this in the errata/faq*
  • Total 2000 Points

These guys are going to take advantage of the no-sight first turn to get their slower-moving troops into position to either claim the middle objectives or get that turn two charge (or both). There are some glass cannon troops in here as well, but with the first turn cover, you should be able to get them into range to do some damage before they are blasted apart. You will want to hope to go first in the second round to really maximize this ability.

Big Yellers:


  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork: Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4: 300 Points
  • Swampcalla Shaman with Pot- grot: Leader 2 of 6: 105 Points
  • Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth: Leader 3 of 6: 180 Points
  • Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth: Leader 4 of 6: 180 Points
  • 6 Man-skewer Boltboyz: Battleline 1 of 3: 240 Points
  • 6 Man-skewer Boltboyz: Battleline 2 of 3: 240 Points
  • 20 Gutrippaz: Battleline 3 of 3: 360 Points
  • Beast-skewer Killbow: Artillery 1 of 4: 130 Points
  • Beast-skewer Killbow: Artillery 2 of 4: 130 Points
  • Beast-skewer Killbow: Artillery 3 of 4: 130 Points
  • Total 1995

There isn’t much hiding in this list, you are using your ranged units to decimate your opponent and force them to close with your army which has some beefy Mirebrute Troggoth’s. Then you use the unit of 20 Gutrippaz to either claim the center objectives or finish off any remaining forces that get too close to your ranged units.



  • Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork: Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4: 300 Points
  • Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha: Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4: 240 Points
  • Swampboss Skumdrekk: Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 3 of 4: 320 Points
  • Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast: Leader 4 of 6, Behemoth 4 of 4, 315 Points
  • Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot: Leader 5 of 6: 105 Points
  • 20 Gutrippaz: Battleline 1 of 3: 360 Points
  • 10 Gutrippaz: Battleline 2 of 3: 180 Points
  • 10 Gutrippaz: Battleline 3 of 3: 180 Points
  • Total 2000 Points

This army takes advantage of your monsters working with your sub-factions special rule, they are going to be your hammer and anvil for your army. Your Gutrippaz can clean up or work as a screen for your heavy hitters if needed.

There you have it three different takes building AoS Kruleboyz armies, I think the Big Yellers are probably your most competitive list with the ability to pick off your opponent’s troops from afar. The Grinning Blades and Skullbugz though could be interesting if played right but your will need to be cunning.

Have you built up an army yet? What unit has been performing the best for you?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!