BREAKING – More New Stormcasts Just Revealed By GW!

By James Rodriguez | January 27th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer Rumors & News

stormcast on dracoth sigmar

Stormcast Eternals are on this week’s firing block, getting new models all week. Lord Aquilor is coming our way, and he’s riding in style!

Sigmar is getting some great looking minis, all in time for the release of the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome dropping this February.

Let’s take a look at the preview from Warhammer Community.

Lord Aquilor

The Gryph-charger is clearly of the same origin as Gryph-hounds, whether magical or biological, but of an order of magnitude larger. It stands taller than a Demigryph, though is less stockily built – looking sleeker and faster than the noble mounts of the Freeguild Knights.

The Stormcast himself is wearing armour in keeping with the lighter sigmarite plate of the new Stormcast Eternals Rangers we saw on Monday, but more ornate. This hero is in fact a Lord-Aquilor, who are the leaders of this new breed of Stormcast Eternals.

This is another large-ish based model dropping from Games Workshop for the Stormcasts.  Lord Aquilor and his amazing gryphon mini are coming in hot to the Mortal realms, should we be ready for more Stormcast’s Gryph-Calvary soon as well?

In case you missed the previous Stormcast models announced earlier this week, here they are.

This February, the Vanguard Chambers are unleashed.

Stormcast Eternals Army

These swift and deadly warriors are a new type of Stormcast Eternal – rangers, trackers and cavalrymen without compare. They are swift vengeance to the forces of Chaos, and the outriders and scouts of Sigmar’s armies.

Stormcast Hunters

The sleeker armour of these hunters allows for more dynamic miniatures compared to the heavy-hitters found in many Stormcast Eternal battlelines. They also have a much more feral appearance, draped in furs and pelts, and feeling much more like an army that is at home in the wide realms, rather than a fresh new arrival from Azyr (as the Stormcasts were when we were first introduced to them).

The Stormcast Hunters are bringing back the original feral feel that we were originally introduced to in the beginning. They’re going with a sleeker appearance, and you may notice those weapons from our previous Rumor Engine post.

This looks like it will be a fast moving and shooting unit, something the Stormcast Eternals have been in need of.Gryph Hounds

They bring with them loyal beasts of the Celestial Realm, some familiar, like the Gryph-hound, and some we have never seen before, like the Aetherwing and the formidable Gryph-chargers (more on those very soon).

The Gryph-Hound is also a new stand alone unit we haven’t seen yet, and from the sound of it we can expect to see more in the near future. Tzeentch isn’t the only army getting an upgrade of beaks and feathers now.

Does this mean the wrath of Chaos will be coming to an end? Will Stormcast finally prevail? Either way at least we know we have a new wave of minis coming our way to level out the playing field.

sigmar stormcasts

Latest on New Stormcasts

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”