40k’s Newest Shooter Mod is Here – ArmA 3

By Zeb Barrett | July 28th, 2016 | Categories: video game, Warhammer 40k News

Imperial Guard ArmA 3

There is longer a need to wait for the 41st Millennium to get here! Warhammer 40k is taking over modern warfare in this ArmA 3 mod! 

Hyper realism modern warfare and Warhammer 40k collide in a ArmA 3 mod that is currently in development! Checkout this video by Chapter Master Valrak raising the hype!


Are You Ready To Die For the Emperor

Currently a Warhammer 40k mod is in the works for ArmA 3. Even though it’s still in the early Alpha stage with along way to go, it is showing extreme promise. What do you guys think?

Find out more about the ArmA 3 40k Mod