New 40k Chapter Approved GT 2022 Missions Changes

Chapter-Approved-40k-wal-horBig changes are coming in the 40k Chapter Approved GT 2022 book judging by the 9 new missions and deployment zones.

With Chapter Approved 2022 book here, it was time to take a look at all 9 of the new missions and deployment types for Warhammer 40k.

Chapter Approved

The biggest change for the coming season is the way that Command points work. Armies will start each game with around half as many points as before, so you’ll have to be more cunning with how you use them – it’s far riskier to spend all your CP on a devastating turn one combo. 

However, you’ll also gain extra CP with each battle round, so it’ll be easier to react to your opponent’s dastardly schemes in later turns as the game progresses.

The first looks also seem to indicate the missions in the new Nephilim GT book are the same as the ones from Nachmund, below.

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Chapter Approved 2022 Rules. Click on the gallery above to see the new Battleforged and Seconadries rules plus Missions!

All the New Warhammer 40k Chapter Approved Missions

Terrain Set-Ups & Explanation of Types:

Terrain Setup 1 chapter approved 2022 GT Mission pack

Terrain Setup 2 Terrain Setup 1 chapter approved 2022 GT Mission pack

Terrain Piece 1 elements will almost always be “true” line-of-sight blocking pieces (i.e. obstructed windows, solid walls, few lines of sight drawable through the physical terrain pieces themselves). 

For Terrain Piece 2 elements, the opposite is true – the physical terrain elements are themselves quite porous, so while Obscuring makes the entire piece line-of-sight blocking, this benefit largely dissipates once your units enter the terrain. 

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For Terrain Piece 3 elements, the terrain will be fairly broken up, reflecting their Dense Cover rules.

terrain explanation chapter approved 2022

They also added an interesting note on objective placement for terrain:

A Note on Objective Placement: For the US Open events, following the guideline of the Grand Tournament Mission Pack 2021, no Objectives may be placed on any of the physical terrain elements. However, there is an “otherwise noted” caveat that they may end up on top of the area-terrain bases for some elements in certain missions. Where this occurs, it has been considered in the overall terrain layout and selection of mission/deployment according to layout.

Mission 1:

mission 2 chapter approved 2022

mission 2 chapter approved 2022 setup deployment

Mission 2:


Tear Dwon the Icons


Tear Down the Icons 2In this mission, you really want to get into your enemy’s zone and blow up your explosives! The more explosives you can have in your opponent’s zone, you’ll rack up the points at the end.

Mission 3:

Data Scry


Data Scry 2This has a cool mechanic that you actually can control objective markers even if you aren’t in range with a unit. Obviously, it can still be taken by the enemy, but just very interesting for fast armies.

Mission 4:

Abandonded Sanctuaries


Abandonded Sanctuaries 2This mission is all about taking the center of the table and destroying your opponent there!

Mission 5:



conversion 2A lot of the new missions are focused on getting objectives in the other player’s zone. Then, you only get CP if your Warlord is on the table, don’t let them die!

Mission 6:

The Scouring


the Scouring 2Scanning objectives is nothing new, so this feels like a fairly standard mission.

Mission 7:

Tide of Conviction


Tide of ConvictionThis is another mission all about getting into your opponent’s zone and taking the objectives away from them! Just remember though, you only get CP if you control an objective in your own zone.

Mission 8:

Death and Zeal


Death and Zeal 2This one is all about destroying your enemy and grabbing as many objective markers as you can!

Mission 9:

mission 1 chapter approved 2022

mission 1 chapter approved 2022 setup deployment

Here’s the most up-to-date review of the new Chapter Approved 2022 Rules. Click on the gallery above to see the new Battleforged and Seconadries rules plus Missions!

All the Newest GW Models & Rules Previews 

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