New Warcry, Underworlds Starters, BANDAI: Pre-Order Pricing & Links

new-releases-bandai-and-moreHere are all the new Warcry Warbands, BANDAI, and Underworlds Starters that are now on pre-order with pricing and links.

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that are up for pre-order with your favorite retailers right now! 

Baron of Dice Wargaming Faction Dice Sets: $15-$32.50

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New Warcry Warbands & Underworlds Starters: Pre-Order Pricing & Links

Warhammer Underworlds Banner

Warhammer Underworlds Deathgorge Retail Price:$110 €80 £65

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders A complete and concise rulebook for Warhammer Underworlds. Deathgorge emphasises the use of Rivals decks, offering new ways to mix up your games and keep things fresh and balanced. The fascinating background material explores the frozen tunnels in the realm of Ghur, riddled with treasures if you’re brave enough to claim them.

Warhammer Underworlds Starters

– The complete Thricefold Discord warband – three daemons dedicated to Slaanesh, and each blessed by the Dark Prince in different ways. Led by Vexmor the Excessively Indolent, Lascivyr, the Bladed Blessing and Vashtiss the Coiled offer their blades and sinister magic to create a balanced trio. These push-fit models are cast in deep purple to look the part even when unpainted, and they also include a unique Rivals deck so you can get them on the table right away.

Warhammer Underworlds Starters 2

– The complete Cyreni’s Razors warband, a group of Idoneth Deepkin explorers. Cyreni of the Abyss, a mysterious Tidecaster, leads a pair of Namarti Thralls known as Renglaith and Alathyrr, along with Cephanyr, a Spirit Guardian in the form of an octopus-like sea creature. The models are all push-fit for easy building and cast in a cool grey plastic. You’ll find a complete Rivals deck for Cyreni’s Razors, which will get you gaming fast.

Warhammer Underworlds Starters

– 2 additional universal Rivals decks, usable by any warband – the high-speed Breakneck Slaughter deck and the spell-heavy Force of Frost.

– 2 double-sided game boards to represent the frozen tunnels of Deathgorge

– Warhammer Underworlds tokens, including objectives, wound markers, glory points, and many, many more

– 11 dice – 5 Attack dice, 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice, enough for the most devastating blows, desperate defences, and cataclysmic spells

Warhammer Underworlds Starters 4This is the new core set for the game, and if you want to get two new warbands in one buy, this is the way to go.

Warhammer Underworlds Starter Set Retail Price: $60 €50 £40 Only From Select Retailers

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay

Warcry pre-orders 2

Beginners can also find their way into Warhammer Underworlds with a new starter set, which will be available from select retailers. It’s on sale from Saturday the 7th of October, and differs slightly from the current Warhammer Underworlds: Starter Set.

It contains two warbands – Ironsoul’s Condemnors and the Sepulchral Guard – as well as their Rivals decks and everything else you need to play. It’s a gentle introduction into the exciting (and decidedly un-gentle) world of Warhammer Underworlds, and the set will even run you through how to play through an example game before you tackle a full game yourself.

If you’re getting into the game, this is the way to go, and we hope the price tag makes it easy to get into.

warcry banner 2022


Warcry Hunter & Hunted Retail Price: $130 €105 £80

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 3

– 64-page softcover Warband Tome: Hunter and Hunted – with background, artwork, rules, quests, and campaigns for both of the two warbands in the box, as well as the new Mawpit terrain

Warcry Warbands

– Gorger Mawpack – Five ravenous and deadly ogors afflicted with the Empty Belly curse. Wild-eyed and starving, they launch themselves at their prey. These multipart plastic miniatures include 1x Clawback, 1x Cave Howler, and 3x Gorgers, all with a variety of cosmetic options. Two Gorgers can be armed with claws or clubs, and one can be armed with claws or a greatclub

Warcry Warbands 2

– Wildercorps Hunters – 11 trackers and scouts employed by the Freeguilds, experts in attacking from the cover of dense and broken terrain. These plastic multipart miniatures include 1x Wildercorps Warden, 1x Trailblazer, 2x Leatherhides, and 2x Scouts, all with a variety of weapon and cosmetic options, as well as 1x Arbalester and 4x Trailhounds

Warcry Warbands 3

– Mawpit Scenery – As gastromantic magic floods the battlefield, the ground opens hungrily in response. The tooth-lined Mawpit drags in wayward fighters who stray too close… or are shoved in by their enemies. Includes 1x multipart plastic Mawpit terrain set, for use in games of Warcry and as a faction terrain piece for the Ogor Mawtribes in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar

– 42x battleplan cards – Generate battleplans quickly and easily with 6x terrain cards, 12x deployment cards, 12x victory cards, and 12x twist cards

Warcry Warbands 4

– 22x warband cards – Keep games running smoothly with 3x abilities cards covering both warbands as well as universal abilities, 3x divider cards for tracking damage and fighters, 5x Gorger Mawpack fighter cards, and 11x Wildercorps Hunter fighter cards

Warcry Warbands 5GW has been loving the doggos lately, and this kit probably has the most ever in one kit. Plus, the Ogors are pretty awesome, but they aren’t dogs… so…

Warcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz Retail Price: $60 €45 £35

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 4

This multipart plastic kit builds a full Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz warband, for use in games of Warcry. These cunning fighters are led by a scarred Beastnob, while the Bawla Boy bashes out a threatening beat to terrify quarry and rivals. Cruel orruk Neckslicers are joined by Gnarlwood Howlaz – tamed simian creatures that help lure larger fauna out of their dens. The warband is rounded out by the diminutive Klutcha-grot, tasked with raiding monster-nests and snatching whatever they can get their grotty hands on.

Warcry Warbands 6

– A Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz abilities card, for quick referencing in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese)
– 8x Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz fighter cards, for checking your rules and stats at a glance
– 2x Warcry wound divider cards, for tracking damage done to your fighters in battle

This kit comprises 54 plastic components, and comes with 1x Citadel 40mm Round Base, 1x Citadel 28.5mm Round Base, and 6x Citadel 32mm Round Bases.

– 1x Beastnob
– 1x Bawla Boy, who can be armed with a stabba or flogga
– 1x Klutcha-grot
– 2x Neckslicers, who can each be armed with a bonehakka or beaststikka harpoon
– 1x Neckslicer, who can be armed with a smasha or beaststikka harpoon
– 2x Gnarlwood Howlaz

Warcry Warbands 7It seems like every Warcry kit has some animal companion, but these models are all really cool sculpts overall!

Warcry Vulkyn Flameseekers Retail Price: $60 €45 £35

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 5

This multipart plastic kit builds a full Vulkyn Flameseekers warband, for use in games of Warcry. These devout duardin are led by a Vulkyn Runefather, who inspires his Scalebreaker warriors to unleash the fiery wrath of Vulcatrix with an array of fyresteel war picks and shovel-like polearms. The warband’s Drothmaster is charged with training young Kyndledroths – whose fiery breath belies their size – while the scale-clad Drothblood Thane slays those Magmadroths too furious to be tamed.

Warcry Warbands 8

– 1x Vulkyn Runefather, who can be armed with a drothvault greataxe or a mastercrafted bokaz
– 1x Drothmaster
– 1x Kyndledroth
– 1x Drothblood Thane
– 5x Scalebreakers, who can each be armed with a fyresteel splitaxe or a bokaz

This set also includes:

– A Vulkyn Flameseekers abilities card, for quick referencing in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese)
– 7x Vulkyn Flameseekers fighter cards, for checking your rules and stats at a glance
– 2x Warcry wound divider cards, for tracking damage done to your fighters in battle

This kit comprises 72 plastic components, and comes with 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases, and 5x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases.

Warcry Warbands 9Fyreslayers are always fun models, and everything in this box looks great.

Ravaged Lands Scales of Talaxis Retail Price: $112.50 €87.50 £67.50

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:|Amazon|Dicehead Games|Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 6

Devastating earthquakes have rived the Gnarlwood, and now something stirs deep below the forest’s surface. These tremors have wrought terrible damage across the Sundered Scales. Still, they have also uncovered many strange relics – some of Seraphon origin and others of an even more mysterious provenance.

Ravaged Lands

This multipart plastic scenery kit allows you to fight battles amongst the ruins found in the ancient heart of the forests of Ghur, with 17 pieces of modular terrain, including:
– 1x Starfire pylon
– 1x Idol of Motzlpota
– 1x Elder Gnarloak
– 2x Shattered posts
– 2x Jars of Quetzl
– 2x Stone walkways
– 2x Rope bridges
– 2x Gnarlbriar
– 4x Stone ruins

Ravaged Lands 2

These terrain pieces can be gluelessly linked in various configurations, allowing you to adjust your Gnarloaks and Rope Bridges to suit each game. They are also fully compatible with other Ravaged Lands terrain kits, allowing you to build, rearrange, and expand a sprawling forest for games of Warcry or Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

The box also includes a Gnarlwood battlefield mat – a double-sided 22″ x 30″ folding game board, the perfect size for games of Warcry. Depicting a deadly swamp with hazards marked on the surface – a fresh challenge for your games as the ground itself becomes a threat.

Ravaged Lands 3

You’ll also find a set of 12 terrain cards, and a sheet of 78 tokens, for use in your games of Warcry.

Ravaged Lands 4We saw this previewed not too long ago, but it’s much better to be able to buy it instead of just looking at it.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warbands Retail Price:  Normally $42 €34 £26 each (GW Webstore Direct)

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 7

Originally released for Warhammer Underworlds,these warbands all have rules in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and are getting a standalone release in grey plastic without their cards. The warbands are the Gorechosen of Dromm, Hexbane’s Hunters, The Shadeborn, Blackpowder’s Buccaneers, Da Kunnin’ Krew, Skittershank’s Clawpack, The Exiled Dead, and Xandire’s Truthseekers.

Like with all the warbands, you can use them in AoS, but they come with all the boxed game stuff. So now, you can buy the warbands without all the cards you wouldn’t need.

white dwarf banner

White Dwarf 493 Retail Price: $11 €9 £6.99

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers:| Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Warcry pre-orders 8

October’s issue ofWhite Dwarfis packed with amazing Warhammer content as always. There are new rules for a Warhammer Age of Sigmar narrative campaign, as well as new scenarios, and painting and gaming advice. The Warhammer 40,000 Tale of Four Warlords continues alongside Crusade rules for the Tome Keepers, while Warcry gets a dose of Courage and Cruelty with quests and artefacts for the Vulkyn Fyreslayers and Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz, and you can whet your appetite for the upcoming Legions Imperialis in an early battle report. 

Each copy of issue 493 also comes with card inserts, including a dial card to represent the balance of power in The Slidecrown Sundering club campaign, Bunker achievement cards, a paint recipe card and a double-sided card featuring the Bunker scenarios of the month for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000.

White Dwarf is always a fun pickup to get further into the hobby, and if you play Tyranids, you may want to grab this one!

bandai wal

BANDAI: Blood Angels Assault Intercessor –Made to Order (GW Webstore Direct)

Game Workshop’s Store Link

BANDAI Blood Angel

Protect your shelves with a fully poseable Blood Angels Assault Intercessor from BANDAI. This 17cm action figure is pre-painted in the crimson armour of the Blood Angels Chapter, with a yellow helmet connoting his status as a sergeant. With 51 points of articulation, he comes with an Astartes chainsword and a heavy bolt pistol.This mighty son of Sanguinius is available on a Made to Order basis from 10am Saturday 7th of October until 8am local time on Monday 16th October, with a shipping time of up to 180 days.

The action figure comes with a detachable backpack and two right and left hand options – one formed into a fist for heroic poses and one gripping hand for holding weapons.

Standing over 8″ tall and fully articulated, you can pose this model however you want – running, fighting, or stoically surveying the battlefield. This is the highest quality large-scale Space Marine figure available, and is composed of painted plastic and diecast metal.

This Blood Angels action figure is available via Made to Order until 8am BST on Monday the 16th of October 2023. Order yours today to avoid missing out! As a Made to Order product, this item will be dispatched within 180 days of your order.

BANDAI always makes great figures, and this is no different! It looks incredible, and we expect it to be fully poseable just like the other offerings.  If you want to order it right now, BigBadToyStore has it listed for pre-order at $185

Are you going to pick up any of these new pre-orders?

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