40k News & Articles

space marines wal hor codex cover warhammer 40k

Well it’s been another month has gone by, and we have a new winner for my monthly give-away I have selected a winner, at random, for the Death Co. Box. His blogger name is Chris Minor. So he’s got about a week to reply back to my email with his address and then I’ll send […]

Read More | May 13th, 2010

TPM Blood Angel is back with some thoughts about everyones favorite bonus tank rule, The Power of the Machine Spirit. I have not been all about the Storm Raven like a lot of Blood Angel players. I just don’t think it will make it into the most competitive builds, but I might be wrong. The […]

Read More | May 10th, 2010

That’s right less than one week left until I give away another cool Warhammer kit. On May 12th I will select another blog follower at random and they will win this box of brand new Blood Angels Death Company Marines. (obviously friends and family of myself are excluded from winning) However if the winner chooses […]

Read More | May 7th, 2010

TPM Paul Murphy asks, where does guard stack in the current and evolving meta game? Over the years Games Workshop has struggled trying to make the Imperial Guard actually competitive. Every past guard player I have ever known thought that the secret to winning with them was more troops. If they lost a game they […]

Read More | May 4th, 2010

That’s pretty much it. I’ve been a part owner or full owner of a bunch already, not to mention a few years of Battlewagon Bits, but I’m feeling the itch again.  It’s been on my mind since I moved back to Virginia. In addition one of the LGSes is closing soon, so there’s not many […]

Read More | April 30th, 2010

These were painted up by my friend, Brother Chaplain Ginn for some recent GW Hobby Store painting competitions.  Unfortunately they both lost- lol.  It was mostly because we don’t shop there very much, and the locals voted for their own even though these blew all contenders out of the water. Gooooo Team! Checkout the putty […]

Read More | April 29th, 2010

Hey MBG back again with some more coverage of Dicehead Games’ “Siege” event. Here are some great looking armies from the event. My personal favorite is the Slaanesh army with the ipod ready Land Raider, and amazing freehand.  Enjoy!

Read More | April 29th, 2010

Last weekend I participated in Dicehead Game’s “Siege” Convention.  It was a very well run multi-genre event on Saturday and Sunday in Chattanooga, TN.  They had D&D games, Board Games, RPG’s, Flames of War, Warhammer 40k and Fantasy among others. It was located on a very clean park/ fairground with plenty for a family to […]

Read More | April 28th, 2010

Before I went and basecoated up the titan I noticed the Turbo Lasers were kinda bland. I had forgotten that they didn’t make a Chaos version of these weapons (sad panda). So I had to whip something up quick to get the Titan done for the apoc game we were playing that weekend, cause I […]

Read More | April 27th, 2010

It’s been a few weeks since the Blood Angels codex came out, and well I’m still reeling with how to deal with them. The main problems are that they close way to quick with my battle line, whether its 18″ rhinos or podding/ deep striking, and I cant shake them off quick enough.  So in […]

Read More | April 27th, 2010

Back when I was getting my Orks army together, I decided that I wanted the little guys to have a little character. After all the Orks are a fun and unpredictable army, so why no jazz it up a little bit? Well I have to admit I went a little crazy with these guys. For […]

Read More | April 26th, 2010

Well I guess its been about a year now since GW game out with the Vendetta Model, and with it ignited a rules firestorm that still flares up to this day. The one question remains; How do you play it?  Good Question.  Is it a skimmer? If so why is it on that $#%*-ing stupidly […]

Read More | April 22nd, 2010

A few months ago I went to Cabin Fever GT in Harrisonburg, PA. There was a ton of great looking armies there and I got permission from their owners to post them up. The first army was Death Guard by Doug Waltman.  Doug is a really cool dude, and volunteers to help run Mechanicon GT, […]

Read More | April 21st, 2010

MBG back again with my Blood Angels Playtest Game 3 Video. This time though it’s different- I’m running the Blood Angels, and Travis is playing Orks. Can you say Ghaz vs. Mephiston??!! I also have switched up the list, turning it more into a drop/ aggro assault army then the mech version I was running […]

Read More | April 21st, 2010

This was the third rewrite of my Blood Angels list. I kinda did it on the fly too, and made some mistakes, BUT I knew I wanted to play around with Mephiston. As TPM Blood Angel pointed out Mephiston is a Death Star, able to kill with realitive ease most units in the game.  However […]

Read More | April 20th, 2010

With the release of Blood Angels I’m trying to tune up my Looted Guard Army. So I’ve added a few more units with the hopes of dashing the advance of the ReD SpAze MaRinZe. I’ve noticed the a big problem with this army in popping masses of Power Armor. I think with the addition of […]

Read More | April 20th, 2010

MBG back again with an interesting look at selecting drop pods.  It seems like ever since the Space Marine codex came back out in 2008 pods have been at the forefront of most battles. First came the Kantor/Sternguard lists, then the podding Vulkan He’stan armies, and now we have Blood Angels throwing their weight around. […]

Read More | April 19th, 2010

Well the last give-away went so well, it looks like I’m going to turn this into a monthly thing for as long as I can. So without further adieu, I present the Spikey Bits Monthly Give-Away. On May 12th I will select another blog follower at random and they will win this box of brand […]

Read More | April 16th, 2010

Well I’ve been diligently working on this guy off and on for the past week or so. Here is where I’m at now. I’m just waiting on a few things from Forge World to finish it up and then post the how to guide.  Of course you don’t have to use the FW parts I’m […]

Read More | April 15th, 2010

What is the History of Warhammer 40k?

40kGettingStarted Sept30 Quote1

The Warhammer 40,000 universe has a long and detailed history. It began as a tabletop miniatures game created by the British company Games Workshop in 1987.

Set in a dystopian future where the Imperium of Man, led by the God-Emperor, is locked in a perpetual battle against various alien races and heretical forces.

The game quickly gained popularity and spawned a number of spin-off games, novels, comics, and more. Warhammer 40k has been expanded upon many times over the years and now contains a rich tapestry of lore and backstory.

The history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe is long and complex, but ultimately it is a story of war and conflict.

From the very beginning, the Imperium of Man has been locked in a perpetual battle against its enemies. Whether it be the Orks, the Eldar, or Chaos itself, there has always been someone or something seeking to destroy humanity.

Why is Warhammer 40k so Popular?

lvo tables tournament warhammer eventWarhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular tabletop games in the world. In fact, it’s so popular that there are actually tournaments for it!

Players from all over come together to battle it out for supremacy, and the competition is always fierce.

But what makes Warhammer 40,000 so popular? Well, there are a few things. For starters, it’s a really fun game.

It’s fast-paced and exciting, and there’s a lot of strategic depth to it. Plus, the models are just really cool. Who doesn’t want to collect an army of tiny plastic soldiers?

Another big factor in Warhammer 40,000’s popularity is its community. The game has a very passionate and dedicated fan base, who are always excited to discuss the latest news and developments.

When new players join the game, there’s always someone there to help them out and answer their questions.

Now in its 10th edition, released in June 2023, Warhammer 40,000 is a captivating wargame demanding strategic decisions on the tabletop. Find resources and guides in our dedicated category, catering to both veteran players and new hobbyists alike!

warhammer 40k

Born in 1987 as Warhammer 40,000 – Rogue Trader, the game envisions a grim future where humanity battles alien xenos races and Chaos. The Space Marines are a group of superhuman defenders who wield arcane weapons to protect the Imperium of Man.

Warhammer 40k encompasses a large universe setting filled with epic storytelling. You can read many of these stories in ebooks, short stories, and novels from the Black Library publishing arm. 

They have something for everyone, from stories of heroes and heroic victories to gritty crime drama and mind-bending mysteries that will challenge your imagination.

You can also join friends in epic battles at home or in dedicated gaming areas to experience the thrill of Warhammer 40k.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and rewarding hobby, why not give Warhammer 40,000 a try? You might find yourself getting hooked!