RUMORS: More New Models In Thousand Sons & Grey Knights Box

Grey-Knight-Thousands-sons-codex-wal-horRumor has it the upcoming Thousand Sons and Grey Knights box will set a new trend for how GW releases new minis in a dual release.

With the new books revealed, and the fact they are coming in a combined box release, the rumors have been flying.

The latest word on the street not only says how this release will be, but that it will also set the trend for upcoming new combo box releases.

With these being delayed, we already know that TS will be getting a new character model, and we assume a new pose size for Castellan Crowe on the Grey Knight side.

Let’s first look at the reveal of the book, then move onto the rumor.

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Codex 40k Books Revealed

grey knights & thousand Sons revealedAs you’ll see in the Munitorum Field Manual MkII, the Thousand Sons are also getting a new HQ choice called an Infernal Master. Sounds ominous, right? We’ll have more on this mysterious new addition to the sons of Magnus nearer to their codex’s release, so keep a third eye out for them on Warhammer Community.

For now, you can download the updated point values for the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights using the button below. These points values cater for all the units from both of these factions, and they are designed to be used alongside their current codexes until their new books arrive.

A lot of GK and TSons players took a look at the points and judging from comments they didn’t see many changes from the current ones, but if you want to see everything, you can download them here for yourself.

GW didn’t say anything else about the battle box yet but did mention a new character called the Infernal Master, so we expect this to be the new model for TS. 

Thousand Sons & Grey Knights Box Setting New Trend

CrowePardon? Castellan Crowe? We’ve never heard of this man in our lives, and we have it on good authority that there’s no such thing as a ‘Grey Knight’. Sit still, and we’ll send along one of our helpful Inquisitors to show you exactly where you were mistaken.

First up, they already said Crowe will be getting a new mini (along with some new sorcerer for the TSons).

We have been hearing that starting with this box set that all future combo boxes will have a new character level mini, and the other one side will all have all new releases starting with this set.  So in theory these *could* in fact be new sculpts for the Grey Knights, or perhaps new T-Sons units that we have never seen before (as their models are so “new”).

So this apparently will be the trend moving forward, where one side gets a new character and the other gets a bunch of new minis (in general).

Blood of the Phoenix

blood of the phoenix

There has been a precedence for this arrangement inside a combo box too. Mainly in the Blood of the Phoenix box, which contained both updated units (Incubi and Banshees) and new characters for both. So maybe in the new Grey Knight box, we could see a new Strike Squad (or purifiers) and a new Crowe mini. Then on the Thousand Sons side, they will grab a new Infernal Master mini?

Again, this is a rumor, but it doesn’t seem too far-fetched from here…

Do you think this could be setting the trend? Are you excited about the box? 

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