Necrons Do it Better Than Night Lords! Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

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Necrons were spotted at Warzone Atlanta doing fast-hitting fear tactics better than the Night Lords! Check out this awesome Xenos Fast Attack force!

Warzone Atlanta brought some amazing armies under one roof to roll some dice. Looking at one of the more unique Necron paint schemes we’ve ever seen, these Xenos brought a fearful vibe to the table.

warzone atlanta

Necrons Do it Better Than Night Lords! Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

This army comes to us from Zack Martin

zach martin warzone atlanta necrons 1Rocking a purple version of the Night Lords classic lightning-pattern paint job, these Necrons brought a fast-hitting force to the table. With Tomb Blades, Destroyers, and Tesseract Arks making up most of the speed, this was a rather elite Necron force. However, each model has some awesome basing and glow effects!

zach martin warzone atlanta necrons 2Diving into one of the best harasser units in 40k, the Tomb Blades were meant to act as a rapid-moving screen clearer that always turns out to be deceptively tanky.

zach martin warzone atlanta necrons 3Destroyers are an auto-include in almost every Necron list just because the 1CP reroll everything is too good to pass up. Take a look at the crisp white on their armor plates as well. This is an awesome contrast from the purple and green.

zach martin warzone atlanta necrons 4And finally, a Stalker posed in mid-kill of a Night Lords Biker guided the force from the middle of the field. With so much FLY and rapid movement in the list, the rest of his friends created enough space to (hopefully) not get shot at by enemy units not locked in combat or crippled by firepower.

Overall, this is a really awesome Necrons list by units alone. But the paint job really sends it over the top. Great job!

What do you think about Necrons in 8th edition? Are they a couple of rules changes away from being one of the better armies?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, King of sprues.