New Free Mini of the Month From Victoria Miniatures

Sylvia Brando

Victoria Miniatures have been hard at work creating something special for Imperial Guard fans out there. Here’s the newest Free Mini of the month.

The hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniature have been hard at work creating something special for your IG fans out there. Come and take a look!

Via: Victoria Miniatures

Sylvia Brando

From the talented hands of Patrick Keith comes out latest Free Mini of the Month, Sylvia Brando , female Jungle fighter,

Sylvia Brando

For every $50 you spend, you get to choose one Free Mini of the Month. Only while stocks last.

Sylvia Brando

Don’t forget that Victoria Miniatures offers Free Shipping Worldwide, on any order over $100 USD.

Sylvia Brando

Happy Hobbying, V

This is a great way to score some great custom sculpts for your next hobby project. Make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and secure your free mini today!