Tip of The Spear – Blood Angels Veteran Kitbash

blood angels

Checkout this cool kitbashed Blood Angels Veteran Sergeant, that’s rocking some very unique Errant armor .

A bunch of bit mashing to build him (clearly he’s very important to the chapter).

The Kitbash-

  • Blood Angels Tactical Squad Legs and Shoulder Pads
  • Sternguard Torso and Backpack
  • Dark Angels Banner
  • FW Mk III squad upgrade communications head
  • Sanguinary Guard Arms w/ a Grav Pistol in place of a plasma pistol

No decals. All detail is free hand. As you can see, it does not take much to make even basic Sergeants and Marines full of character if you just cleverly combine what bitz you have.

I give to you Veteran Sergeant Brute (as in “Et tu Brute?”)


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