Cheap ‘N Easy – The MUST SEE Inexpensive Hobby Supply

By Tim Spakowski | November 9th, 2015 | Categories: Hobby Products, How To Tutorial, miniature basing, Videos


Checkout this great video demonstrating Gamers Grass in action, because at $5 a blister this is a product that I truly believe will help you with your basing needs.

I discovered Gamers Grass which is a company out of Portugal who make high quality tufts used for basing and terrain pieces. I ordered some through their website, paid the postage to get to the States and waited patiently for them to arrive.

Needless to say I was very impressed with their product. Each sheat that I ordered was covered in clumps of tufts that looked great and were ususable! I didnt have to take several clumps and piece them together to form one normal size. I wanted to order more but the downside was the shipping costs.

Gamers Grass can instanstly transform the look and feel of your miniature base. The product is simple to use and easy to apply. The picture below is of a 20mm Modern Ranger by Elhiem that I painted in Multi-Cam.  The tufts that are used are Mixed Green and Beige.

You can purchase Gamers Grass here: Gamers Grass

I sell to retail stores and I support painting studios.  If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to email me at  of send me a message on Facebook.

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