Build a Cockpit For Your Knight Titan – Hobby Tutorial

The Imperial Knight Titan is a great model but it is lacking in one respect, there’s no cockpit. Come see how you can customize your knight with a sweet pilot!

I wanted to do something a little different with my Knight so I decided on building the cockpit from scratch. I used the cockpit built by John Stiening at his blog “40k Hobby Blog” as a reference. I noted that in his blog he appeared to have used the control console from a Space Marine Land Raider. I picked a few up. Additional details were added using the Green Stuff Industries tentacle maker, and scratch styrene. Aside from the head, the pilot was sculpted out of procreate. The gears were from a pack I picked up at a craft store.

The cockpit was primed black and drybrushed with army painter gun metal mixed with black. A second dry brushing of pure gun metal was applied over that. I then drybrushed a coat of bronze over the consoles. The screens were all painted in blended shades of aqua and lagoon craft paints. The buttons were painted various bright colors and the entire cockpit received a gloss coat. I then applied a wash of brown, burnt sienna, and black oil paints to the ‘metal’ surfaces. After the oil paints had dried I applied dull coat to the cockpit and finished by applying gloss varnish to the screens.

The pilot chair received a similar treatment and the pilot’s robes were painted in barn red, given a dark wash and highlighted with barn red with progressively more Army Painter red mixed in. Skin tones were completed using Army Painter Tan Flesh and a craft paint flesh color. A small amount of red was added to the flesh color around the points where the cables enter his skull.

Imperial Knight Titan Cockpit

Imperial Knight Titan Cockpit

Imperial Knight Titan Cockpit

Imperial Knight Titan Cockpit

After all that hard work the bulk of it is hidden inside, even when the door is open, but I know it’s there.

Imperial Knight Titan with Cockpit

Additional details on the rest of the Knight build can be found at The Artist of War.