40k Primarch Models The Night Haunter – Unboxed

By Rob Baer | January 17th, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Uncategorized


Perhaps the strangest, most macabre figure from the Horus Heresy, Konrad Curze may just be the the posterchild for being “mistunderstood”.

I mean how would you deal with knowing exactly how and why you life will end, only to exist trying to fill in the blanks for every minute in between?

“Konrad Curze, be at peace, for I have arrived and intend to take you home.”
“That is not my name, Father. I am Night Haunter, and I know full well what you intend for me.”

Background aside, this model seems to be one of the most detailed and energetic of the Character series of Primarchs Forge World has put out yet.




Attacking from darkness with inhuman ferocity, Konrad Curze, the Night Haunter, inspires terror in the hearts of his prey and subjects alike. A vicious combatant, Konrad wrested control of his world, Nostramo, from criminals and corrupt overlords, and began a reign of terror that ensured order through fear. After taking command as their Primarch, his Legion, the Night Lords, gained a reputation for brutality and looked to bring judgment rather than deliverance to worlds reclaimed for the Emperor during the Great Crusade.

Armed with murderous, artificer-lightning claws and micro-serrated throwing blades, Konrad Curze tears through his enemies, making short work of whole units. Despite his great size he is a master of stealth and concealment, moving in darkness and stalking his target. Few men can stand to face him, and none can look on the Night Haunter and not feel the ice of fear in their hearts.

This imposing, highly detailed model depicts Konrad Curze mid-battle. His armour is decorated with trophies of an impressive number of kills, including skulls and flayed skin. His scenic display base includes the corpses of Konrad’s latest victims, a pair of Solar Auxilia warriors, one of them torn limb from limb.

Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords can be fielded in Night Lords Legion armies in Horus Heresy games. His rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Two – Massacre and The Horus Heresy – Isstvan Campaign Legions.

This is a complete resin kit.

Perched atop a shattered ruin, caped in flayed flesh and framed by the eviscerated remains of Guardsmen this model may just be the perfect snapshot of the Heresy.

If you’re a 30k player, or even just a 40k aficionado – this model should be on your “must haves” list.

Check out an extreme close up of Konrad below in my video unboxing and review!

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