New Forge World Titan Rules SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | February 12th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titan family class

Rules were just spotted for the newest titan to join the Forge World line-up, and this thing truly is a giant!

The King of the Giants is coming to the tabletop! Checkout the  rules for the Knight Questoris Porphyrion

Rules Via Troy Caduff and pictures from Recalcitrant Daze


WIP Rules from the event that were eventually revealed

Porphyrion Porphyrion Porphyrion

Wow a armor 14 Knight seems good at first glance. Points look like 435? with the Ironstorm pod, and an Ion Shiled to boot. Question is what the heck is the Magma Lascannon? Here’s hoping it’ll be the second weapon that can beat void, holo and power field/shields.

He’s a little small for a Cerastus, but just right for a Questoris it looks like!

Even more rules and other pictures the Porphyrion  below on the roundup. Be sure to check it out!

Horus Heresy 2016 Weekender Roundup

Click for More Pictures

Will your titan be able to stand up to this firepower?

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